9/11: The Day The Media Died. Bombard the lying media with legal notices and complaints...
Arben Nelku
2010-09-10 21:11:08 UTC
9/11: The Day The Media Died. Bombard the lying media with legal notices and complaints...

Below is a copy of an email I have just sent to Channel Five about their
proposed scheduling of a documentary on Thursday 9 September 2010, to
mark the 9th anniversary of that evil day in history. I urge all of you
who read this to please do the same to every television network, who
perpetuates this ongoing, utterly disgusting lie:

Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to inform you that of you air your programme, 9/11 Crime
Scene Investigation on Thursday evening, I will be seeking legal action
against Channel Five, since it is anticipated that this programme is to
perpetuate the ongoing lies and deceptions of what really happened on
that day.

You cannot possibly present a case for crime scene investigation, when
the evidence was immediately and abruptly removed, most of which was
shipped to China. Channel Five is therefore proposing a dishonest
account of the facts.

If you insist on pursuing this line, there will be serious consequences,
which could potentially and irreversibly harm the credibility of your

The events of 9/11 is something I have carefully studied and thoroughly
investigated since that day and can present an abundance of evidence to
counter the anticipated claims of Channel Five. As a producer myself, I
may indeed quote Channel Five in my own film and soon to be launched
website, under the section, "9/11: The Day The Media Died". Of course,
this may well place Channel Five in the position of seeking legal action
against me, only if I quote you wrongly.

This matter will be brought to the public attention if you insist on
airing your deliberately deceptive programme on Thursday evening.

Yours sincerely,

Glenn Gordon
