Republicans Vote Joe DioGuardi
2010-09-07 23:40:55 UTC
Republicans Vote Joe DioGuardi

The Filangieri Society for Justice and Good Government urges the citizens
of New York to vote for the Hon. Joseph DioGuardi in the upcoming
Republican primary, Tuesday, September 14.
• First Certified Public Accountant elected to

• In 1992, he authored "Unaccountable Congress:
It Doesn't Add Up"

• Early and persistent voice for controlling
government spending

Joe is an American success story. A man of good character, his life
embodies the core values of America --- devotion to family, country and hard
work. His son, John, is a dedicated social worker and his daughter, Kara
DioGuardi, is a songwriter, artist and TV celebrity, who appeared as a judge on
American Idol.
The Filangieri Society for Justice and Good Government is named for the
18th century Neapolitan philosopher Gaetano Filangieri, the author of "The
Science of Legislation", an important five-volume work of the Enlightenment.
Filangieri's writings concerned the organization and responsibilities of
government. Most of his proposals have become a reality in the Western World
--- free speech, freedom of religion, economic freedom and free trade,
limits on governmental power, and equal justice before the law. One of
Filangieri's most ardent admirers was Benjamin Franklin who read and disseminated
copies of his writings. The two corresponded from 1780 until Filangieri's
untimely death in 1788. The Society seeks to perpetuate the principles and
values upon which our Republic was founded; which are enshrined in the
Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and were eloquently articulated
by Franklin and the other Founding Fathers.
