Expose deception by the Zionist controlled Goverment & Media ( The Other Side Of the News!!!)
Arben Nelku
2010-09-02 20:55:05 UTC
Expose deception by the Zionist controlled Goverment & Media ( The Other Side Of the News!!!)
Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a 
war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media WHO TOOK MONEY FROM Goverment TO LIE T O THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The government and the media traded the blood of these young Americans for their personal gain. Look at their faces. How can you not be angry?

FLASHBACK - Al Gore writes for a witchcraft magazine!Tags: CLIMATEGATE» 1 comment^Sep0211:40Afghan president says airstrike killed civiliansTags: AFGHANISTANAnother notch on Obama';s Peace Prize!Sep0211:37^Sep0211:09Simon Wiesenthal`s trail of liesTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELSimon Wiesenthal, famed for his pursuit of justice, caught fewer war criminals than he claimed and fabricated much of his own Holocaust story.Just one example...Simon Wiesenthal was famous for this sketch of Jewish prisoners he claimed he witnessed being shot by the Germans.But as it turns out, Simon Wiesenthal traced the drawing from the June 11, 1945 LIFE magazine illustration of German spies being executed by firing squad!Sep0210:32Simon Wiesenthal: Israeli spy!Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELThe assertion, based on numerous documents and interviews with three people said to be Mr. Wiesenthal’s Mossad handlers, punctures not only a widely held
belief about how he operated; it also suggests a need to re-evaluate the standard view that the Israeli government took no interest in tracking down Nazis until the 1960 capture in Argentina of Adolf Eichmann, and little thereafter.» 1 comment^Sep0210:28Scientific Consensus ReduxTags: CLIMATEGATELooking back, it turns out that a lot of scientific consensuses were wrong.The consensus :) opinion is that the majority is always right. But history proves that before the majority can be right, one person must be right, and while that one person is right, standing defiantly for truth before the flood of outmoded opinions thrust upon him or her by lazy minds, the majority must inevitably be wrong. That has been shown here with climategate. It has been shown with Saddam's "nooks." It has been shown with 9-11 and David Kelly and JFK and RFK and Vince Foster. Soon it will be shown with the Big Bang.We are learning that formal education in the United States has
turned away from enlightenment and research and become little more than indoctrination in the accepted myths, with a degree a mere certificate of enforced conformity proving one can be trusted not to rock the government and corporate boat in exchange for wealth and tenure. Another article down below bemoans a loss of trust in scientists, and while I still trust scientific method, I agree individual scientists, like the politicians who pay their salaries, should be viewed with a great deal of suspicion. Dr. Mengele was, after all, a scientist!Maybe the aftermath of Climategate is that the people of the world stop trusting the authority figures paraded across the viewscreens of our lives and learn to rely on their own education and logic to figure out what the world is doing. Yes, many will make mistakes, but across an entire population such individual mistakes tend to cancel each other out. Far better than an entire population raised to trust official
spokesdrones being led in one direction into ear, slavery, and ruin.» 1 comment^Sep0210:07Meltdown of the climate 'consensus'Tags: CLIMATEGATEIf this keeps up, no one's going to trust any scientists.Maybe nobody should! A skeptical people are a free people.» 2 comments^Sep0210:06Low temperatures tie records at LAX, OceansideTags: CLIMATEGATERecord low temperatures for the date were tied Wednesday at Los Angeles International Airport and Oceanside in San Diego County.Sep0210:06Al Gore's PoisonTags: CLIMATEGATELee's rant sounds similar to other eco-screeds that surfaced in the Nineties. One uttered, the "assault on the earth is breathtaking, and the horrific consequences are occurring so quickly as to defy our capacity to recognize them, comprehend their global implications, and organize an appropriate and timely response. Isolated pockets of resistance fighters who have experienced this juggernaut at first hand have begun to fight back in
inspiring but, in the final analysis, woefully inadequate ways."»^Sep0210:04Scientists Forced To Revise Arctic Sea Ice Projections UpwardsTags: CLIMATEGATEThe September Arcus Sea Ice Forecast, August Report, is out, and quite naturally, the doom and gloom projections of a death spiral have returned to the closet, at least until next June.The mean of the 16 projections provided by scientists is 4.9 +/- 0.51 million square kilometers, which is likely to be lower than what the final result will end up being. The July Report outlook was 4.8 +/- 0.62 million square kilometers. Even that knucklehead Wilson sobered up and realised that his July projection of 1.o million square kilometres was perhaps just a tad too low.Sep0210:04Media warming to public's disbeliefTags: CLIMATEGATEAfter spending years promoting "global warming," the media are beginning to turn in the face of growing evidence that they have been wrong. The London Times recently reported:
"Britain's premier scientific institution is being forced to review its statements on climate change after a rebellion by members who question mankind's contribution to rising temperatures."Sep0209:58Telegraph caught spinning story of Israeli shooting.Tags: CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELThis is a classic case of propaganda for Israel at work. This story in the Telegraph has a headline and slug that claims HAMAS has taken credit for the shootings. Yet there is nothing within the actual body of the story to support this claim. An actual statement issued by HAMAS and reported by Reuters praises the killings, but denies all responsibility. The Telegraph serves their Israeli masters well!» 2 comments^Sep0209:57Feds Warn Residents Near Wyoming Gas Drilling Sites Not to Drink Their WaterBy: Alex2245
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSThe federal government is warning residents in a small Wyoming town with extensive natural gas development not to drink their water, and to use fans and ventilation when showering or washing clothes in order to avoid the risk of an explosion.The announcement accompanied results from a second round of testing and analysis in the town of Pavillion by Superfund investigators for the Environmental Protection Agency. Researchers found benzene, metals, naphthalene, phenols and methane in wells and in groundwater.Sep0209:49Desperate Warming Alarmists Use Comical Ali TacticsTags: CLIMATEGATEWhen the terrible tragedy of Haitian earthquake happened literally within minutes Hollywood Z lister and second rate actor Danny Glover said the earthquake was caused by global warming, Glovers very own Comical Ali momentSep0209:39Well blows out 80 miles off the coast of Vermilion ParishTags: GULF OIL DISASTERCoast Guard received reports around 9 am
this morning of an oil rig on fire and people in the water.» 2 comments^Sep0209:38Tea Party candidates kept off ballotTags: VOTE FRAUDSep0209:37When Will We See the Next Mass Murder?Tags: ISRAEL PALESTINEHere’s a news flash for Tel Aviv: it’s not a sign of respect when the bulk of humanity views you as psychopathic.The concerns of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are misplaced. The legitimacy of Israel is no longer threatened. It’s already lost. Long gone. Kaput.Sep0209:27Marine Vet Ken O'keefe Talks About Israeli Involvement in 9/11 and America's Role in the WorldBy: tyler durden
Tags: 911 HIDDEN HISTORY ISRAEL» 2 commentsSep0209:20NEWLY RELEASED UNEDITED VIDEO REVEALS WTC 7 EXPLOSION PRECEDES COLLAPSETags: 911All previous versions of this video showing the collapse straight down of WTC7 began after the cave-in of the Penthouse at the top. This unedited video starts before the Penthouse at the top collapses and very clearly one hears the sound of an explosion initiating the collapse sequence.Sep0209:16Oil Rig Explodes Off Louisiana CoastBy: KevinE
Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERHow Much more of this are people going to take? What are the odds of another Rig Explosion?» 2 commentsSep0209:14Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing science behind flu season vaccinesBy: Alex2245
By Mike AdamsAs someone with a good deal of education in scientific thinking and the scientific method, I have put considerable effort into attempting to find any real scientific evidence backing the widespread use of influenza vaccines (flu season shots). Before learning about nutrition and holistic health, I was a computer software entrepreneur, and I have a considerable scientific background in areas such as astronomy, physics, human physiology, microbiology, genetics, anthropology and human psychology. One of my most-admired thought leaders is, in fact, the late physicist Richard Feynman.Sep0209:10Press For Truth Covers The G20 Mass Court Appearances!By: Alex2245
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSOn August 23 2010 following the largest mass arrests in Canadian history, 303 arrestees appeared in court for their charges during the G20 summit weekend.Press For Truth was there to cover the event.Sep0209:10China makes its North Korea moveTags: KOREAThough the statement in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announcement that Kim visited China "at the invitation of President Hu Jintao" might be dismissed as standard boilerplate, the fact remains that China decided to receive Kim's delegation and publicize the event.Now that China has explicitly placed its Korean Peninsula eggs in Kim Jong-il's basket, the idea that Beijing would acquiesce to the collapse of the regime in Pyongyang and reunification under the aegis of South Korea is a seriously discounted commodity.Sep0209:02Netanyahu to US: Building Will ResumeTags: ISRAELPrime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reiterated his previous commitment to end the Judea and Samaria construction
freeze in September in a meeting Wednesday with United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Netanyahu said there was “no change to the cabinet decision to end” the freeze.Wow, it certainly didn't take Netanyahu long to ***** in Obama's face, and tell him it's raining!!Why is this meeting happening at all, when the only logical outcome, without the presence of Hamas, is complete abject failure, only creating the circumstances generating another round of Israeli aggression/repression, and Palestinian response?!?If Obama was betting that the holding of such a conference would boost his approval ratings, when he has absolutely no partner for peace in Netanyahu, he has to be delusional beyond belief.Sep0208:58Bernanke: Shut down banks if they threaten systemTags: ECONOMYFederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a panel investigating the financial crisis that regulators must be ready to shutter the largest institutions if they threaten to bring
down the financial system.Good idea. Let's start with the Federal Reserve.» 3 comments^Sep0208:57Yes, BBC was biased: Director General Mark Thompson admits a 'massive' lean to LeftTags: CORPORATE MEDIABBC Director General Mark Thompson has admitted the corporation was guilty of a 'massive' Left-wing bias in the past.The TV chief also admitted there had been a 'struggle' to achieve impartiality and that staff were ' mystified' by the early years of Margaret Thatcher's government.But he claimed there was now 'much less overt tribalism' among the current crop of young journalists, and said in recent times the corporation was a 'broader church'."Okay, you caught us; we were bad before. But trust us, we are all better now! Really! Honest!!" -- ABCNNBBCBSSep0208:55British Attorney General moves toward re-opening investigation into mysterious death of Iraq weapons inspectorTags: ASSASSINATION COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA GREAT BRITAINThe United
Kingdom's top law enforcement official has taken possession of secret files surrounding the death of a prominent WMD researcher who was found dead in the months after the invasion of Iraq.David Kelly, once employed by the British Defense Ministry, was a former UN weapons inspector who had been previously deployed to Iraq. He was found dead in July 2003 about a mile from his home, having ingested more than two dozen pain-killers and with a cut in his left wrist.If the files are kept secret, then it will be another whitewash.Sep0208:53THE BALLISTIC TROLL CONTINUES HIS QUEST TO HUNT DOWN JEWS ON THE NETTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELIt seems this new found voice of hatred on the Web has never before gotten the exposure he did from that post. You must visit his comment section to see the crap being written by his followers
. these folks would surely make hitler proud today.The troll himself seems to be going ballistic, not knowing how to
handle any opposition to his fascistic points of view
. his defense was to post a picture of me, as if that alone is proof that I am the evil person he claims I am. As far as Rivero goes, doubts about where he lives or what synagogue he might or might not attend also proves his evil.» 1 comment^Sep0208:52WORDS ARE POWERFUL TOOLSTags: ISRAEL PALESTINEPrime Minister Netanyahu of Israel told his governing coalition that he did not promise an extension to the partial suspension in settlement construction when it expires in September (BTW, the suspension did not cover most of the settlement areas which are around Jerusalem and did not cover existing construction in other areas not infrastructure, schools, synagogue constructions etc. In other words there was really no suspension.) Standing next to President Obama he simply emphasized that the topic to be discussed with Palestinians is how we can prevent attacks on illegal settlers in the West
Bank.Sep0208:51PALESTINE BETRAYED BY ITS OWNTags: ISRAEL PALESTINEAnyone in his right mind knows that the present round of Direct ‘Peace Talks’ is doomed to failure. Anyone with an open mind can see that the parties involved in these talks represent the same points of view
. that of Israel.Mahmoud Abbas represents the Palestinian people as much as Sarah Palin represents the Americans. Both are losers, both will remain as such.Sep0208:48Israeli Shin Bet electrocuted child prisoners to extract confessionsTags: ISRAELFollowing a visit yesterday to some young prisoners being held at the Megiddo Prison, lawyers for the Ministry of Detainees have stated that the young prisoners testified under oath that they had been interrogated and systematically electrocuted and tortured by Israeli intelligence officers in settlements near to Palestinian cities.One has to judge a society by how it treats its most powerless.That Israel's government is allowing
Shin Bet to engage in this kind of morally reprehensible, vile behavior against these kids is a frighteningly disturbing window on how Israel perceives Palestinians in general.Sep0208:46Dispersant controversy, oil plumes persist in the GulfBy: chillyphantom
Tags: CURRENT EVENTS GULF OIL DISASTERDown a winding road that hugs the water of Bayou La Batre in southern Alabama, out-of-work shrimp boats float quietly along the piers. Near the end of the road, the Alabama state dock houses a dozen twin-engine, steel-hulled boats that BP has under contract to do oil cleanup work. Police cars guard the entrance.Across the harbor at the end of the public pier, four large white plastic containers sit on pallets labeled: "Nalco Corexit EC9005A. Oil Spill dispersant. Caution: may cause irritation with prolonged contact
do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing...." Some of the containers have black hand-written letters on the back that says "oil waste water" or "clean water." Another container sits further away on a pallet by itself, with the same warning label but clean.»Sep0208:41Speech Defect: Emissions of Evil From the Oval OfficeTags: IRAQ"We have met our responsibility!" No, Mister President, we have not. Not
until many Americans of high degree stand in the dock for war crimes. Not until the United States pays hundreds of billions of dollars in unrestricted reparations to the people of Iraq for the rape of their country and the mass murder of their people. Not until the United States opens its borders to accept all those who have been and will be driven from Iraq by the savage ruin we have inflicted upon them, or in flight from the vicious thugs and sectarians we have loosed -- and empowered -- in the land.Sep0208:38ANOTHER OIL RIG EXPLODES IN THE GULF!Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERWWL-TV in New Orleans has confirmed the Coast Guard is responding to a rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.Dozens are reported injured.According to the Coast Guard, it happened 80 miles south of Grand Isle.The MMS has had four months to make certain that the oil rigs remaining in the gulf were safe from the sort of explosions that destroyed the Deepwater Horizon April 20th. Obviously,
they failed.President Obama had 400 days PLUS Four Months to make certain the MMS was doing their job. Obviously, Obama failed.Obama fiddles with Israel while the gulf burns.» 1 comment^Sep0208:36Bedouin families told to leave by JuneTags: ISRAELIsraeli authorities issued warrants ordered Bedouin families lodging in tents and sheds on land between Jericho and Jerusalem to leave the area by June 2011.Ahmad Ka'abna, who was issued a warrant, said around 600 households would face evacuation if the order is enforced.Memo to the Israeli government: where are these people supposed to go after Israeli annexation of this land??Sep0208:332 more on ballot failed to pay taxTags: POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION TAXESIt's simple. There are too many taxes. There are too much taxes, and even the politicians cannot keep that mess all sorted out. The United States got along fine without all these taxes for the first 100 years and became one of the wealthiest nations
on Earth with the highest standard of living. Then in 1913. a private central bank was handed the right to print money out of thin air and loan it to the people at interest, followed by a personal income tax of dubious legality. And here we are under crushing debts and declining standard of living.Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
Capital Gains Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Court Fines (indirect taxes)
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel permit tax
Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon)
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax Interest expense (tax on the money)
Inventory tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Local Income Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Septic Permit Tax
Service Charge Taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Taxes (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Road Toll Booth Taxes
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone federal excise tax
Telephone federal universal service fee tax
Telephone federal, state and
local surcharge taxes
Telephone minimum usage surcharge tax
Telephone recurring and non-recurring charges tax
Telephone state and local tax
Telephone usage charge tax
Toll Bridge Taxes
Toll Tunnel Taxes
Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)
Trailer Registration Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit TaxWorkers Compensation TaxCOMMENTS:
"Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world, had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world and only one parent had to work to support the family."What happened?
» 1 comment^Sep0208:28The Fed's Liquidity Trap: The American and world economies are in a deliberate state of slow collapseTags: ECONOMYQuantitative easing will put the American public at ease, at least temporarily. They do not realize it but the American and world economies are in a deliberate state of slow collapse. Yes, the Fed has created a terrible mess. They have been totally unprofessional and reckless. The result has been, even after five quarters, averaging 3-1/4% growth, sales of new and used homes are dismal with no hope in sight for improvement, unemployment just under its highs, record debt, slight wage increases, lost purchasing power due to inflation and few prospects for improvement. Inventory is all in place, so that can no longer be a plus.Abolishing the Fed right about now would be one of the most intelligent things this administration could do, which almost certainly guarantees that it will not happen!Sep0208:24The Stained Glass
Windows of the Sun.Tags: CURRENT EVENTSWell, talking about the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life is not easy these days. There is a cloud of depression, which creates a kind of chiaroscuro rainbow, which circles the world. It doesn’t affect the selfish and hedonistic people. They are the cause of its effect on everyone else. It gets a little tiresome saying, “endure”, “hold fast” and “have faith”. There’s a breaking away condition that’s coming into view. I note at the blogs that there are several conversations that have been going on for a long time that often have nothing to do with the posts and which are directional levers, of a sort, to pull people to other locations. I don’t mind or even care about that.»^Sep0208:23Painting the Real Estate Tape: Bogus Housing Sales PricesTags: ECONOMYRealtors are not reporting the true sold prices on homes. Here are 2 examples. If a home is listed on the MLS and then sells at a
auction like Hudson & Marshal or RealtyBid, you can see the sold price online or if you attend the live auctions, see the house sell at open outcry auction. The next day the houses are reported sold on the MLS but always at full price.Sep0208:22Gilad Atzmon: The Lowest of the LowTags: GREAT BRITAIN IRAQ POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTIONI am not holding my breath for the Labour party to make the right decision. Clearly, the same party failed to curtail Blair’s militant enthusiasm, even when it was plainly clear that the argument for the Iraq war was grounded in a dodgy dossier.Sep0208:21US Declares Iraq War ‘Over,’ But Fighting ContinuesTags: CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA IRAQWAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRS WHITE HOUSEUS officials are continuing to jump on board the proclamation that the Iraq War has ended, with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates going from yesterday’s comments to a firm declaration today that we’re “not” at
war in Iraq any longer.The whole administration seems to have settled on this narrative, but the real bump in the road remains how simply untrue it remains. The war is not over and for the 50,000 troops, despite official claims that they will “do an awful lot of training,” this is still very much a shooting war.» 1 comment^Sep0208:20The Economist on IraqBy: PoliticalTheatrics
For their part, the people of Iraq never learned to trust, let alone like, the Americans. Yet public opinion has shifted remarkably in recent weeks. After countless American warnings of their imminent departure, all met with stubborn Iraqi insistence that the “occupiers” would never leave, the penny has suddenly dropped. [Emphasis added]Sep0208:18List Of Settler-initiated Crimes Against Palestinians In The Last Few WeeksBy: PoliticalTheatrics
Tags: HIDDEN HISTORY ISRAEL LEBANON MIDDLE EAST PALESTINETORTURE/WAR CRIMES WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRS WHITE HOUSEWMDI have been to the West Bank, I have seen with my own eyes how the settlers walk around with machine guns, terrorizing the native Palestinian population. They are only in the West Bank to justify a continued Israeli military presence there; and they are armed to the teeth.Sep0208:18Reader Photos of Corexit Damage to the EvergladesTags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0208:17Israeli Activity Near Lebanon Border; Mizrahi Predicts Major War Next YearBy: PoliticalTheatrics
Tags: HIDDEN HISTORY ISRAEL LEBANON PALESTINEPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTIONTORTURE/WAR CRIMES WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRS WHITE HOUSEWMDThe Israeli daily Maariv reported Monday that the Israeli army will deploy the “Kfir” infantry brigade to the border with Lebanon further north.Sep0208:17Unrepentant Tony Blair Calls for Iran AttacksTags: IRANIf the Iraq War has somewhat faded in Americans’ memories with the myriad false declarations of victory in recent weeks, it is a much more bitter taste in Britain, where public hearings continue into how the nation was brought into such a disastrous conflict. Blair however chides antiwar people to “keep an open mind” and insists that the war was a great success.So great a success in fact that he seems eager to replicate it with a similar war against Iran on similarly false pretenses. How similar? Blair actually cites 9/11 and accuses Iran of “developing nuclear weapons” before
concluding that there is “no alternative” to a military attack on them.OK, it's official: Tony Blair has gone absolutely barking mad!!» 1 comment^Sep0208:11The Wolf You FeedTags: CURRENT EVENTSToday we read, without surprise, that billions of dollars of American wealth (present and future) have been wasted, squandered and lost in various unfinished, subsequently destroyed or simply paid-for-never-started projects in Iraq. Many of these projects were on the to-do list – the schools, hospitals, water purification systems, prisons, roads, bridges or electrical power plants – because we destroyed them in 2003 and 2004, or ruined them years earlier with our endless bombing during the UN sanctions period. Those closest to the missing money – US military and state department implementers and contractors, US allied governments and contractors, and Iraqi puppet class contractors know where it went.»^Sep0208:06Cracked Magazine views The History
Channel and why it is so sillyTags: CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA HUMOR AND SATIREAnd they are right!» 1 comment^Sep0208:05Signs in Arizona warn of smuggler dangersTags: CURRENT EVENTSThe federal government has posted signs along a major interstate highway in Arizona, more than 100 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, warning travelers the area is unsafe because of drug and alien smugglers, and a local sheriff says Mexican drug cartels now control some parts of the state.So that's all this impotent administration can do to protect the citizens of Arizona from ever-escalating drug violence, post signs?!?And this is the same Administration which has bloodied the State of Arizona's nose by reporting it as a human rights problem to the UN because of its attempting to enforce immigration law, which the US government steadfastly refuses to do?!?I am enraged on behalf of the state of Arizona and its citizens.
There is obviously no will, so there is no way, that the Federal government is going to deal with this.And one has to wonder: why is there no will on the part of the Federal government to deal with drug violence on its borders with Mexico?!?» 2 comments^Sep0208:02The Corexit Experiment - Oil Spill LawTags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0207:59Risks remain with Gulf well cap coming offBy: ActivistPost
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS GULF OIL DISASTERNEW ORLEANS — The cap that ended BP's three-month oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico was set to come off Thursday as a prelude to raising a massive, failed piece of equipment and preparing for a final seal on the broken seafloor well.Engineers and the government were not expecting crude to break out again when the cap is lifted, but the government wasn't offering any guarantees and oil collection vessels were set to be on standby on the surface just in case.Sep0207:59Wellhead is BENT (not just a tilting BOP) — “It did not pop straight back up”Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0207:58Turkey's Silent CrisisTags: TURKEYTurkey is in the grip of a summer of senseless violence. A little over a week before the attacks in Batman, on July 25, a clash erupted in the western town of Inegol when an ordinary quarrel between a Turk and a Kurd quickly spread after assuming a racial undertone. Just a
few days later, four police officers were murdered in the southern province of Hatay. This was a mirror image of the Batman event; it appears as if rogue elements in the security forces had set up an ambush to blame the other side. This killing, however, was followed by intense interethnic clashes as local Turks took to the streets to exact revenge on their Kurdish neighbors.One has to wonder, since the souring of relations with Israel after the flotilla massacre that left many Turkish nationals dead, if perhaps Mossad is very happy to "stir the pot", leading to more unrest and animosity here.However, Turkey needs to do everything in its power to create a national dialogue between Kurdish leadership and the Turkish government to ease tensions and see that Kurdish rights are protected.The costs of not doing this now will be incalculable, both for the stability of Turkey, and for the stability of the entire region.Sep0207:58Now Naples-area water testing
shows “chemical compounds that can only come from Corexit 9527?Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0207:57Overhead shot of black blobs seeping from seafloor -- Sep. 1Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0207:55Tremendous amount of fast-flowing white chunks (methane hydrates?) at seafloor -- Sep. 1Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0207:54Mobile, AL man says dispersants harmed “central nervous systems” and “internal organs”Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERChristopher Eldridge of Mobile, Alabama
 alleges he was injured during BP oil spill response work by exposure to dispersants
 according to court documents.Sep0207:53BP backpeddles on oil in Pensacola BayTags: GULF OIL DISASTERDespite persistent denials from BP last week, thousands of pounds of weathered oil is being pulled from under the surface of Pensacola Bay every day.During more than a dozen interviews last week, BP officials and spokespeople for a number of government agencies working on the Deepwater Horizon Oil
spill response denied knowledge of oil in the bay.Even as they spoke, however, Escambia County officials and local fishermen were reporting finding weathered oil, as they've been doing for weeks. BP's own crews were hand-scooping it up, and a submerged-oil team from BP's Deepwater Horizon Response Incident Command Post in Mobile was investigating.» 1 comment^Sep0207:50Russian Intelligence Chief Dies While SwimmingTags: RUSSIAThe deputy head of Russia's powerful military intelligence agency died mysteriously in a swimming accident, Russian media reported Saturday."Several days ago, General Yuri Ivanov died while swimming," official news agency RIA Novosti quoted a military source as saying.The report did not give any further details on the circumstances of the death, or the location.Ivanov was deputy head of the GRU, the overseas intelligence gathering arm of the Russian military.I cannot say how this guy died, but describing this as an "accident"
doesn't quite pass the "smell test".One has to wonder who benefited in the Russian government or military from his untimely death.» 1 comment^Sep0207:47CIA Training Intelligence Agents For ‘State Sponsor Of Terrorism’ SudanTags: CURRENT EVENTSWhile Erik Prince and his Blackwater Worldwide company is being fined for ignoring sanctions against Sudan and trying to “secure lucrative defense business in Southern Sudan,” the central government in Khartoum is having its security forces — one the most brutal in the Arab world — trained by the CIA.According to Stein, U.S. officials maintain the operations are limited to counterterrorism. But one wonders how the NISS separates out such training from its general operations of domestic oppression.There should be a US governmental equivalent to the Darwin Award, every time we've given yet another tinpot dictator even further repressive capabilities with which to terrorize their own people.How the heck
can members of US officialdom prate and blather about respecting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law when they pull something like this in Sudan?!?When peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable: it's just a question of when, and how, and that principal applies to Sudan just as thoroughly as it did to Romania under Chachescu, Cuba under Batista, and Iran under the Shah.» 1 comment^Sep0207:44Unemployment Affects 3 Out Of 4 AmericansTags: ECONOMYNearly three out of four Americans have been directly affected by the recession, either because they have been unemployed or know someone who has lost their job, according to a new survey.Sep0207:44ME Peace Talks: Who is this Mahmoud Abbas? Where is the Democratically Elected head of the Palestinian people?Tags: ISRAEL PALESTINE"For all their talk of “spreading democracy,” the U.S. imperialists, and their Zionist allies in Israel, have shown that they have no intention
of honoring the will of the oppressed Palestinian people, who overwhelming chose members of Hamas to represent them in the ... elections."Sep0207:39"Brave New World" Psychiatry Pushing Nerve DrugsBy: ActivistPost
Activist PostOur growing national epidemic of psychiatric drugs smothers natural human emotions, sensitivity, and openness in relationships. After shrinks have labeled someone as high anxiety, troubled, manic, depressed, bipolar, etc., they have the cure ready to adjust the behavior to their liking.»Sep0207:36Construction Spending in U.S. Fell Twice as Much as ForecastTags: ECONOMYConstruction spending in July fell twice as much as forecast, led by a slump in homebuilding that will depress U.S. economic growth.The 1 percent drop brought spending to $805.2 billion, the lowest level in a decade, after a revised 0.8 percent drop in June that wiped out a previously estimated gain, Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Spending on federal government projects fell by the most in a year.We are not in a "recession", as those in Washington would like to characterize what's happening with the economy right now; we are in a full-on, melt-down
depression.Sep0207:34Widespread U.S. hiring not begun: ADP's PrakkenTags: ECONOMYWidespread hiring at U.S. companies has not begun as businesses remain worried about uncertainty over the future of the economy, Macroeconomic Advisers LLC chairman Joel Prakken said on Wednesday.Prakken was speaking to a teleconference of journalists after the ADP Employer Services report on private sector employment, which his firm jointly developed. The report showed private employers unexpectedly cut 10,000 jobs last month."Summer of Recovery", my astrolabe!"Summer of ever-worsening misery" is a more apt description of what many Americans are experiencing right now, and will be experiencing for the foreseeable future.» 2 comments^Sep0207:28Romer serves dismal for lunch. Pepto-Bismol for dessert?Tags: ECONOMYt wasn't the food; it was the entertainment. Christina Romer, chairman of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, was giving what was billed as her
"valedictory" before she returns to teach at Berkeley, and she used the swan song to establish four points, each more unnerving than the last:She had no idea how bad the economic collapse would be. She still doesn't understand exactly why it was so bad. The response to the collapse was inadequate. And she doesn't have much of an idea about how to fix things.If this woman is so consummately clueless, how in heaven's name did she ever get hired in the first place?!?What this Administration needs to do is to:- Cut taxes
- Incentivize corporations to rebuild manufacturing in the US
- Abolish the Fed, and let the government issue currency
- End the spending on these illegal and immoral wars, and start no new ones.Of course, all of the above suggestions are logical. And logic, and the last several administrations, have not had much of an ongoing relationship.Sep0207:24We the People Define The New World OrderBy: ActivistPost
Activist PostWe are all workers in the corporation called The New World Order. This corporation has led us to believe that we are part of a world at its peak, where only banking interests can respond to the dwindling supplies. Naturally, we are supposed to adhere to the policies of the corporation in order to be saved.Sep0207:21US forces still in fight at end of combat missionBy: ActivistPost
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS IRAQPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSHAWIJA, Iraq — Even as President Barack Obama was announcing the end of combat in Iraq, American soldiers were sealing off a northern village early Wednesday as their Iraqi partners raided houses and arrested dozens of suspected insurgents.While the Obama administration has dramatically reduced the number of troops and rebranded the mission, the operation in Hawija was a reminder that U.S. forces are still engaged in hunting down and killing al-Qaida militants — and could still have to defend themselves against attacks.Sep0207:18Man sues Marin sheriff after being Tased 3 times at homeTags: DICTATORSHIPContrast this with the story down below where a cop lets a young girl die because he doesn't know CPR.Sep0206:53Georgian-Russian Border Crossing Requires Closer ScrutinyBy: CEM
Tags: MIDDLE EASTThere may be trouble ahead. Armenia lies to the south of Georgia and the author seems to suggest that Georgia has allowed Russia to ship weapons down to its base there, but a resumption of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict might be a problem for Georgia, which has sizeable ethnic Azeri and Armenian populations of its own, living virtually next door to each other near to their respective borders. It's a bit of a tri-state area - only they all hate each other.Sep0206:52Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Palestinians should be AnnihilatedBy: Elias
Tags: ASSASSINATION CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST PALESTINE POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTIONPROTESTS/REVOLUTION RELIGION/ATHEISM TORTURE/WAR CRIMESlashed out at the Palestinians, saying that they should all be annihilated. “May God destroy them with a plague,” said the elderly rabbi.Yosef’s remarks should be taken seriously as they seem to reflect a deepening grave phenomenon in the Israeli Jewish society. It is Jewish fascism, pure and simple. It is racist, virulent and violent.» 1 commentSep0206:50Stephen Hawking: God was not needed to create the UniverseBy: suman
Tags: SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATUREThe Big Bang was the result of the inevitable laws of physics and did not need God to spark the creation of the Universe, Stephen Hawking has concluded.Sep0206:43Ron Paul on FOX Business News 09/01/10 - End Of Combat In Iraq Or Set For An Eascalation?By: portos
Tags: VIDEOSep0206:43Cop Refuses To Help Dying 11 Year old Girl! Then Runs Away!By: portos
Tags: VIDEO» 5 commentsSep0206:34Five killed in latest Nagorno-Karabakh clash (Azeri-Armenian conflict)By: CEM
Tags: MIDDLE EAST WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSAzerbaijan and Armenia are blaming each other for the latest clash over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, which reportedly killed five soldiers on Tuesday.Despite attempts to reach a peace deal, tension has continued to simmer in the conflict that began after the collapse of the Soviet Union. An estimated 30,000 people died in the war that followed when ethnic Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region threw off Azeri rule.Sep0206:29White House News Release on Mideast Peace NegotiationsBy: My Catbird Seat
Tags: CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDACURRENT EVENTS EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN ISRAEL MIDDLE EASTPALESTINE POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTIONWHITE HOUSEWhile the democratically elected government of Palestine is left out of "Peace" negotiations between Israel and Palestine, yes they still call it "Peace negotiations", the Jordanian and Egyptian governments have been invited to partner the negotiations as has been going on every two years, with no results. The name of the game is: “Waltz Me Around Again, Willie.” Have these men no shame ?--Debbie MenonSalem-News.ComPresident Obama with leaders of Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan & Egypt, White House Photo, Pete Souza, 9/1/10Remarks by President Obama, President Mubarak, His Majesty King Abdullah, Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas Before Working Dinner?. East Room 7:05 P.M. EDT»Sep0206:25Evidence-based vaccinations: A scientific look at the missing
science behind flu season vaccinesBy: malterwitty
Tags: SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATUREVaccine marketing is, essentially, scientific fraud. To claim that vaccines protect everyone when, in reality, they may reduce symptoms in only one out of 100 people is intellectually dishonest and downright fraudulent.It is, simply put, just pure B.S. quackery.Now, imagine if an herbal product were advertised on television as offering some health benefit, but it turned out that the product only worked on 1 out of 100 people who took it. That herbal product would be widely branded as "quackery" and the company selling it would be accused of false advertising. The company owners might even be charged with criminal fraud.But vaccines get a free pass on this issue.Sep0206:20Dr. Lawrence Davidson: Israeli Rabbi Outdoes AmadinejadBy: Elias
Tags: CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDACURRENT EVENTS IRAN ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST PALESTINEPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION WHITE HOUSERabbi Yosef said that the Palestinians and their leaders are “evil and damnable.” That “God should strike them with a plague.” And just in case God doesn’t get them all, Israel “must send missiles to them and annihilate them.” He finished up with “Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) and all these evil people should perish from this world.”Last year Rabbi Ovadia Yosef publicly insulted the president of the United States and the US Zionist controlled media has of course kept a lid on the story . He described the President as "a slave" who rules the world and who wants to control Israeli policy when it comes to building in occupied Jerusalem.Sep0205:50No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner, 1870By: Caldwell
Tags: ECONOMYWhy do we always have to learn and relearn our history the hard way?"The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents--men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest--stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved.»Sep0205:37Mitchell Hoping for a Quick-Fix Fake Peace?By: Elias
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS ISRAELMIDDLE EAST PALESTINE POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTIONTORTURE/WAR CRIMES WHITE HOUSEObama is US president courtesy of the pro-Israel lobby. He is like putty in their hands. And he’s so ill-informed that he told AIPAC it's OK for Israel to grab the hallowed City of Jerusalem and turn it into the permanent headquarters of the Zionist regime. Jerusalem "will remain the capital of Israel and it must remain undivided," he blurted. When it dawned on him that he’d made a monumental blunder he tried to wriggle out.Sep0205:20Obama Is Preparing to Bomb IranBy: 911insidejob
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA IRAN ISRAELBy Webster G. TarpleyJuly 21, 2010After about two and a half years during which the danger of war between the United States and Iran was at a relatively low level, this threat is now rapidly increasing. A pattern of political and diplomatic events, military deployments, and media chatter now indicates that Anglo-American ruling circles, acting through the troubled Obama administration, are currently gearing up for a campaign of bombing against Iran, combined with special forces incursions designed to stir up rebellions among the non-Persian nationalities of the Islamic Republic. Naturally, the probability of a new fake Gulf of Tonkin incident or false flag terror attack staged by the Anglo-American war party and attributed to Iran or its proxies is also growing rapidly.Sep0203:13What are the Ground Zero protests really about? Here’s a clue; it’s not a mosqueBy: CEM
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSNot only has Sarah Palin called upon peaceful Muslims to reject the building but Newt Gingrich, a hopeful in the race to be the Republican candidate for President said: "The folks who want to build this mosque are radical Islamists." Again, I would refer Newt to my first solution and point out, it's not a mosque. Secondly, building a cultural centre with modern facilities doesn't sound so radical to me. What are they going to do that's so radical on a basketball court? They're not going to play lacrosse on it instead are they? The animals!Good, sensible editorial... for onceSep0202:19Jim Traficant, Ex-Congressman And Convicted Felon, Will Be On The Ballot Again In NovemberBy: poorrichard
Tags: POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTIONOutspoken former Democratic congressman Jim Traficant, who served time in federal prison for corruption, has fought his way back onto the Nov. 2 ballot to again run for a U.S. House seat – this time as an independenSep0202:03Army study: Radioactive residue is not a hazardBy: poorrichard
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDASCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSWMDThe Army said today that the results of a depleted uranium study at Pohakuloa Training Area on the Big Island show radiological doses “well within limits” considered safe by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.The Army studied the potential health risk posed by residual DU in Pohakuloa areas where past and current weapons firing has taken place.The report is expected to be released this afternoon, the Army said.Depleted uranium, a weekly radioactive heavy metal, was used in aiming rounds for the Davy Crockett, a 1960s nuclear device intended as a last-ditch weapon against masses of Soviet soldiers in the event of war.» 1 commentSeptember 1, 2010Sep0122:23Environmental activism can lead to madnessTags: CLIMATEGATEOf course many of the extreme environmentalists, including President Obama’s “Science Czar” John Holdren, hold similar views,
embracing eugenics and sterilization. There is a real hatred of humanity among their ilk. I’ve run into this viewpoint during my years in the environmental movement. It did not really sink in until much later when I began to see things much more clearly. These people would not be happy until we were all dead. It brings to mind the brilliant 1995 film 12 Monkeys starring Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt where a crazed lab scientist decides to spread a deadly virus around the globe because he believes man is the parasite to the planet and must be eliminated.» 2 comments^Sep0122:19The Discovery Channel Shooter's Demands: The Cliff's NotesTags: CLIMATEGATESep0121:24Scarerrorism: Eugenicist Took Hostages, Issued Anti-Human ManifestoBy: tyler durden
Tags: ASSASSINATION CURRENT EVENTS HIDDEN HISTORYLet's see where this story takes us over the next few days. It would not surprise me should we find out this is some part of an exercise, if not just an angry guy, yet the manipulators are assuredly already giddy at the thought of jumping to use this for the own agendas, such as the Carbon Tax Warmistas, the Security State Apparatchiks, the Eugenics Genocidalists (Corporate Environmentalists), the Manipulated Virginia Tech Assassin type or the Cass Sunstein Brigade.»Sep0121:18AZ Border Sheriff: ‘I Have About As Much Regard for the U.N. as I Do the Vermin’By: Alex2245
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSSheriff Larry Dever, whose officers patrol Cochise County along the border between Arizona and Mexico, said he finds it “amazing” that the U.S. State Department would refer the recently passed immigration law in his state to the United Nations Human Rights Council for review.“Well, it’s just amazing to me,” Dever told CNSNews.com. “Course, I have about as much regard for the U.N. as I do the vermin that hides in the rocks around my house here and reaches out and tries to bite me every now and then.”» 1 commentSep0120:21How investors are making a Killing on the BP Oil DisasterBy: Mr. Mudd
Tags: GULF OIL DISASTER"But it’s not all bad news.
That’s because the worse the crisis, the greater the opportunity. And right now, savvy investors are quietly positioning themselves for game-changing gains in 2010."» 1 commentSep0118:12Discovery building gunman "awakened" by Al GoreTags: CLIMATEGATELee said at the time that he experienced an ‘‘awakening” when he watched former Vice President Al Gore’s environmental documentary ‘‘An Inconvenient Truth.”» 1 comment^Sep0117:27JEFF GATES — When Will We See the Next Mass Murder?By: My Catbird Seat
Tags: 911 AFGHANISTAN CORPORATE MEDIA COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS EUROPE GREAT BRITAIN IRAN ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST PAKISTAN / INDIA PALESTINEPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTIONTORTURE/WAR CRIMES WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRS WHITE HOUSEHere’s a news flash for Tel Aviv: it’s not a sign of respect when the bulk of humanity views you as psychopathic.The concerns of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are misplaced. The legitimacy of Israel is no longer threatened. It’s already lost. Long gone. Kaput.Nation states are shared states of mind. The mindset in Iceland differs from India. Israel is the most unlike of all. Founded by extremists and terrorists, it’s been downhill ever since.Psychopaths want to be loved. That’s why they’re so charming, albeit only superficially. They’re also pathological liars, egocentric, callous and remorseless.»Sep0117:02Chief Family Court Judge on Bondage
WebsiteTags: POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTIONTwo years before becoming a judge in 2005, numerous images of Douglas appeared on a web site, Darkcavern.com, devoted to Black men torturing and raping white women.» 1 comment^Sep0116:49Silver Manipulation Song!By: denmason
Tags: ECONOMYSep0116:36Why the Neo-Conned Tea Party Movement Used a Harmless NYC Muslim Community Center as a Political FootballTags: RELIGION/ATHEISMSep0116:11TROLLING FOR JEWS ON THE NET - THE SEQUEL!Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDAThe nut case goes ballistic» 1 comment^Sep0115:57Raw Footage: Dispersant is STILL being sprayed,plumes in Florida and AlabamaBy: Alex2245
Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERProject Gulf Impact has released a new video that shows the dispersant/oil plumes that we reported on a little under a week ago. Some of the dispersant was still in powder form, an indication that it was freshly sprayed!» 1 commentSep0115:53THE WRH RADIO SHOW DAILY PODCASTTags: CURRENT EVENTSA free podcast of the most recent show will always be available at this link!Sep0115:41Flu Vaccine: CDC ignores the dangers, instead wants to needle everyoneBy: Alex2245
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSIn a scene reminiscent of a Brave New World and despite numerous concerns, health officials are advising basically everyone in the United States to get the flu vaccine.The CDC is openly demanding that you take a vaccine that is, on record, extremely dangerous. Multiple countries throughout the world have BANNED flu vaccines due to their dangerous side effects.» 1 commentSep0115:31Oil’s Out - Find Out What’s InBy: ActivistPost
Chief Energy Strategist
Casey’s Energy OpportunitiesThe International Energy Association (IEA) has spoken. What the world needs now is a clean energy technology revolution.June saw the 2010 launch of IEA’s biannual report, Energy Technology Perspectives. Speaking at the launch was Nobuo Tanaka, executive director for IEA. The Gulf oil spill, he said, could prove to be a tipping point in the world’s energy consumption habits. He added that the disaster serves as a tragic reminder that our current path is not sustainable.» 1 commentSep0114:52The U.S. Path to CollapseBy: kdtroxel
Tags: CURRENT EVENTS ECONOMY EDUCATIONChristina Romer, outgoing Chairwoman of Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, today called for more government spending and less taxes as a way to bring down unemployment. The combination of more government spending and less taxes equals massive inflation, but this represents the state of mind in Washington today. Inflation is still the last thing on their minds because they don't see it yet.Rising gold and silver prices indicate that the U.S. is headed for an explosion in budget deficits that will rise far beyond what it can pay for through borrowing. Leading Chinese economists are now calling Japanese debt less risky than U.S. debt and with the Japanese savings rate in decline, the U.S. will soon have nobody left to borrow from. The only option will be monetization and already the Federal Reserve is getting ready to buy $10 billion to $30 billion per month in U.S. treasuries to keep its balance sheet at inflated
levels.»Sep0114:41Discovery Channel gunman shotTags: CLIMATEGATE CURRENT EVENTSA man who took hostages at Discovery Channel's headquarters in Washington DC has reportedly been shot and killed.The man was upset with the Discovery Channel's environmental programming, officials said.» 6 comments^Sep0114:35George Mitchell hoping for a quick-fix fake peace?By: Redress
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA CURRENT EVENTS ISRAELMIDDLE EAST PALESTINE POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION WHITE HOUSEStuart Littlewood argues that the US-sponsored direct talks between Israel and Mahmoud Abbas are farcical, lopsided and designed to achieve “a fake, temporary peace” whose aim is temporarily “to save a few worthless political skins”.Sep0114:34Can Obama Deliver Israel-Palestine Peace?Tags: ISRAEL PALESTINEObama is making his speech right now, and once you sift out all the bullshit, the only substantive thing he has said is that Israel and Palestine have agreed to talk over the next year. In other words, nothing has been accomplished, yet this rates a national TV address. And of course, the elected government of Gaza is being left out of the discussions.» 2 comments^Sep0114:33Bedouin land fight: claim for native title threatens Israel’s racial exclusivenessBy: Redress
Tags: CURRENT EVENTS ISRAEL MIDDLE EAST PALESTINEJonathan Cook considers the legal battle of one Bedouin to repossess his ancestral land in the Negev – a battle that could have ramifications for tens of thousands of Bedouin whose land had been stolen long ago as well as for millions of Palestinian refugees scattered across the Middle East.Sep0114:32British spy found dead in bath was padlocked into sports bagTags: ASSASSINATIONPolice suspect foul play.» 6 comments^Sep0113:39Wheat, Weed, and ObamaCare: How the Commerce Clause Made Congress All-PowerfulBy: portos
Tags: CONSUMER RIGHTS / PRODUCT REPORTSThe Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to "regulate commerce . . . among the several States," and for more than 100 years federal lawmakers invoked it for a very narrow purpose—to prevent states from imposing trade barriers on each other. But today members of Congress act as if it gives them the authority to do just about anything—including forcing you to eat your vegetables....» 2 commentsSep0113:39RT- 'Neocons controlling the show'By: portos
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDAPresident Obama is giving his second Oval Office address Tuesday night, to mark the withdrawal of US combat troops from Iraq. After 9/11 the Bush administration had a clear agenda to go after Iraq, however did Iraq really pose a threat to the United States? Philip Giraldi says the neocons who helped drive the push to go to war with Iraq, might be back in office this fall. Show LessSep0113:39Gerald Celente - 'Stop the Wars - Save America'By: portos
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ECONOMYWAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSSep0113:30State official concerned area to be “COVERED in OIL AGAIN” after storm stirs up underwater plumesTags: GULF OIL DISASTERState Director of Coastal Activities Garret Graves said
 “We don’t want to pull up all the stakes and send all the skimmers away and everything else only to have a storm come through and stir up the plumes, and next thing we know, we’re covered in oil again.”» 1 comment^Sep0113:29Early Snow in RussiaTags: CLIMATEGATE» 1 comment^Sep0113:00Discovery Channel: List of demands from hostage takerTags: CLIMATEGATE» 1 comment^Sep0112:50JPMorgan Is Shutting Down All Prop Trading DesksTags: ECONOMYSep0112:30Discovery Channel Hostage Suspect ManifestoBy: Alex2245
Tags: CURRENT EVENTSEugenics Anyone?The Discovery Channel MUST broadcast to the world their commitment to save the planet and to do the following IMMEDIATELY:1. The Discovery Channel and it’s affiliate channels MUST have daily television programs at prime time slots based on Daniel Quinn’s “My Ishmael” pages 207-212 where solutions to save the planet would be done in the same way as the Industrial Revolution was done, by people building on each other’s inventive ideas.Sep0112:21Coldest SA August in 35 yearsTags: CLIMATEGATESep0112:00James Lee, Discovery Channel Hostage Taker, Is From British Columbia?Tags: CLIMATEGATEIt's confirmed; the Discovery channel hostage taker is James Lee, who is a global warming cultist!» 4 comments^Sep0111:48Wheels Stolen Off Of Detroit Mayor's SUVTags: CURRENT EVENTSSomeone swiped the tires off one of Detroit Mayor Dave Bing's vehicles overnight Tuesday while it was parked outside his condo on the city's east
side.» 2 comments^Sep0111:42Project Gulf Impact: Three Different Doctors find PAHs, Heavy Metals, and Arsenic in BloodBy: Alex2245
Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERIt’s been a collaboration of a couple of groups working on the oil spill and other people.They are actually finding the toxins that are in the oil in the blood of the people who live down there.Its horrifying because they’re cumulative and they’re heavy metals and toxins
Sep0111:32ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF AMERICAN BRILLIANCETags: CURRENT EVENTSAmerican brilliance is downright frightening
..» 2 comments^Sep0111:08Discovery HQ near Washington evacuated on reports of armed man; gunfireTags: CURRENT EVENTSThe Discovery Channel building in Silver Spring, Md., has been evacuated because of reports of an armed man on the premises, CNN reports.Maybe someone pissed that Mythbbusters refuses to deal with 9-11? :)"He is obviously a crazed lone-nut Arab Muslim Al Qaeda white separatist anti-Semite Jew hater with a micro-nuke strapped to his back provided by Iran and personally autographed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad! Honest!" -- Official
White Horse SouseOn a more serious note, a woman evacuated form the building said that the hostage taker/shooter was a man who had previously organized a major protest in front of the Discovery Channel building. I do not know if this is the same guy, but the only major protest that keeps popping up in a search was a guy who demanded that Discovery channel "do more" to alert the world to the dangers of human-caused global warning.» 2 comments^Sep0111:01Demos Think Tank Responds to Outrage over PublicationBy: Alex2245
Tags: CORPORATE MEDIARecently Demos released a publication that called for infiltrating so called conspiracy theory websites in order to discredit them. Multiple alternative news sites dubbed the authors, The United Kingdoms Cass Sunstein.Sep0110:59The Real Story - Pre 9/11 HistoryBy: poorrichard
Tags: 911 COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA HIDDEN HISTORYPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTION VIDEOWAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSBecause it's 11 days before the 9 year anniversary of the "False Flag" attack known as 9/11 here is some Pre-9/11 History for those who still believe the official lie. The Real StorySep0110:57Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thoriumBy: kdtroxel
Tags: WHITE HOUSEIf Barack Obama were to marshal America’s vast scientific and strategic resources behind a new Manhattan Project, he might reasonably hope to reinvent the global energy landscape and sketch an end to our dependence on fossil fuels within three to five years.Dr Rubbia says a tonne of the silvery metal – named after the Norse god of thunder, who also gave us Thor’s day or Thursday - produces as much energy as 200 tonnes of uranium, or 3,500,000 tonnes of coal. A mere fistful would light London for a week.Thorium eats its own hazardous waste. It can even scavenge the plutonium left by uranium reactors, acting as an eco-cleaner. "It’s the Big One," said Kirk Sorensen, a former NASA rocket engineer and now chief nuclear technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering."Once you start looking more closely, it blows your mind away. You can run civilisation on thorium for hundreds of thousands of years, and it’s essentially free. You
don’t have to deal with uranium cartels," he said.»Sep0110:53Do You Support the Constitution? YOU'RE A TERRORIST SUSPECT!Tags: DICTATORSHIPFrom those same lovable folks who brought you the crimes and abuses of COINTELPRO comes the following brochure, printed at taxpayer expense by the FBI and intended to be issued to law enforcement, requesting that the Joint Terrorism Task Force be called in the event suspicious behavior is witnessed.And what is "suspicious behavior"? Defending the Constitution!» 2 comments^Sep0110:37BP Workers Orderded Not To Clean Up Oil; Dispersants Sprayed At Night To Sink Oil InsteadTags: GULF OIL DISASTERBP Vessel of Opportunity Workers Allege that Oil Is Not Being Cleaned Up During the Day 
 Instead, Corexit Is Being Sprayed at Night» 1 comment^Sep0110:37Uncovering Lies About Disappearing Oil And Toxic Dispersants Found In BP Gulf Oil Spill Waters Opened For FishingTags: GULF OIL DISASTERThe rampant use of toxic
dispersants, out-of-state private contractors being brought in to spray them and US Coast Guard complicity are common stories now in the four states most affected by BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.While the government denies these reports and even denies using military aircraft to spray dispersants altogether there is plenty of evidence proving they are lying.» 1 comment^Sep0110:35Three great waves ... IRSTags: ECONOMY TAXESThis will really make your blood boil - *at least it ought to*!!!*In just **four months**, on January 1, 2011, the largest tax hikes
in the history of America will take effect. *They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves. *» 2 comments^Sep0110:35A.C. Thompson Discusses Disorder in New Orleans(Martial Law?)By: Alex2245
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDALast week, the ongoing, joint investigation by ProPublica, Frontline and the New Orleans Times-Picayune revealed that after Hurricane Katrina an order circulated among New Orleans police authorizing officers to shoot looters [1]. The following day, we reported that federal agents had begun an inquiry [2] into the allegations.To date, sixteen current and former New Orleans police officers have been charged with crimes related to post-Katrina shootings. And there are nine separate civil rights investigations of the department underway.Sep0110:30American Government’s Response to Conspiracy TheoriesTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA"You're all sick. Really SICK! You oughta be locked up already!" -- Official White Horse SouseSep0110:1533 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know...By: kdtroxel
Tags: ASSASSINATION CORPORATE MEDIA DICTATORSHIP ECONOMYHIDDEN HISTORY POLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTIONSCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE WHITE HOUSEConspiracy theory is a term that originally was a neutral descriptor for any claim of civil, criminal or political conspiracy. However, it has come almost exclusively to refer to any fringe theory which explains a historical or current event as the result of a secret plot by conspirators of almost superhuman power and cunning. To conspire means "to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end. "The term "conspiracy theory" is frequently used by scholars and in popular culture to identify secret military, banking, or political actions aimed at stealing power, money, or freedom, from "the people".»Sep0110:13Marc Faber on the state of silver, gold, and commoditiesBy: denmason
Tags: ECONOMYSep0109:54TROLLING FOR JEWS ON THE NETTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELI have always maintained that a day without hate mail is a day we didn’t do something right. Better yet is when we find a blog posting about us
 as I did last night. I noticed quite a few visitors to my Blog via THIS vile site.It made me feel like the cream cheese on a toasted bagel, being a part of such a vicious smear campaign
As for Adam at subvertednation, I think he is just as manufactured as Adam Gadahn and Youssef Al Khattab. Subvertednation.net is registered through domains by proxy, a known cutout for intelligence operations, and is only slightly more than a year old. His site may well be used to justify draconian “hate” controls to protect Israel on the net.» 2 comments^Sep0109:5210 CANDIDATES FILE LAWSUIT OVER MASSIVE ELECTION IRREGULARITIES IN SHELBY COUNTYTags: VOTE FRAUDBefore we retro-actively justify the war in Iraq on the basis
of bringing them democracy, we ought to make sure it works here!» 1 comment^Sep0109:50IRAQ'S WMDS - THE LIE OF THE CENTURYTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA IRAQAnother piece of evidence consists of documents which President Bush referenced as in his 2003 State of the Union Speech. According to Bush, these documents proved that Iraq was buying tons of uranium oxide, called "Yellow Cake" from Niger.Since Israel had bombed Iraq's nuclear power plant years before, it was claimed that the only reason Saddam would have for buying uranium oxide was to build bombs.Contrary to the blaring of ABCNNBBCBS, we were not sold this war to bring Democracy to Iraq.»^Sep0109:48The Iraq Debacle: The Legacy of Seven Years of WarTags: IRAQThe U.S. occupation of Iraq continues and the reduction of U.S. troops in Iraq can at best be called only a rebranded occupation. While the number of U.S. troops in Iraq will be reduced from a high of 165,000, there will still be
50,000 troops left behind, some 75,000 contractors, five huge "enduring bases" and an Embassy the size of Vatican City.Sep0109:47Hot it was not... farewell to coldest August for 17 yearsTags: CLIMATEGATEThe UK has just endured its coldest August for 17 years, which was marked, say forecasters, by a complete absence of 'hot days'.The month also saw the lowest single-day August temperature for 23 years, with it falling to 55f (12.8c) in Edgbaston, Birmingham, last Thursday.Where I live in Hawaii, the car thermometer only got into the 90s one day in August. Rest of the time it was mid-80s. As a side note I was at the used DVD store yesterday and there is literally a whole pile of Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" collecting dust on the shelves.Sep0109:38REALITY REPORT #59 - DOJ Defines Constitutionalists as TerroristsBy: kdtroxel
Tags: 911 CURRENT EVENTS HIDDEN HISTORYPOLITICS/ELECTIONS/CORRUPTION PROTESTS/REVOLUTION VIDEOIn this edition of the Reality Report, Gary exposes the propaganda campaign initiated by one Missouri High School and asks you to take action. Nina breaks down this week's headlines including how preschool students in one California County are now being tracked by RFID and who mainstream media employees give their donations too. She also discloses who the Department of Justice defines as extremists by reviewing their new leaked document. Is your group mentioned? Two very special guests join Gary this week including Richard Gage, the founder of Architects and engineers for 9/11 truth who discusses his 9/11 investigation, and the co-founder of the Constitutional Alliance, Mark Lerner who comes to talk about his new book, "Your Body is Your ID."»Sep0109:35Hate Moves Upstate: Mosque Near Rochester Targeted by BigotsTags: CURRENT EVENTS RELIGION/ATHEISM"Hate
the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!"We are losing what it means to be America."Hate the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!"We are being turned into Israel!"Hate the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!""Hate the Muslims!"» 1 comment^Sep0109:34Navy Survivor of Israeli Attack on USS Liberty: Punished, SilencedBy: Saladin
Tags: HIDDEN HISTORY ISRAELErnest A. Gallo, former CTM2, Palm Coast, FLI am a loyal American and a survivor of the June 8, 1967 deliberate and vicious Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the most decorated Navy ship since WWII. The Presidential Unit Citation and 246 metals were awarded to include the skipper who received the Medal of Honor. Unbelievably, the Israeli and U.S. government lied indicating that the attack was an accident. Some senior U.S. government officials and the Liberty crew know differently.Sep0109:24Obama Calls on The UN to Govern ArizonaTags: DICTATORSHIPThe words, that are below, are found in
The Declaration of Independence of July 4,1776:“He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:”Sep0109:19Oregon's Tax On The Rich Came In Short, While Unions Just Got A Pay RaiseTags: ECONOMY TAXESOregon's Tax On The Rich Came In Short, While Unions Just Got A Pay RaiseSep0109:11Economy changing the face of homelessness in USTags: ECONOMYSep0109:10Defenseless: New Orleans 'Gun Grab' & Violation of RightsTags: RIGHT TO BEAR ARMSResidents in the U.S. state of Lousiana are fighting for their right to defend themselves. Police confiscated their guns after hurricane Katrina struck five years ago. It was an attempt to keep order amid the looting and violence which followed. But as Priya Sridhar has been finding out, many in the state are still angry over what THEY believe was a violation of the
constitution.Sep0109:08Military officers cancel trip after humiliation at US airportTags: DICTATORSHIPA Pakistani military delegation became the latest victim of the paranoia permeating US airports on Monday night, when US security officials detained a brigadier at Washington’s Dulles airport on a complaint by a passenger who said he did not feel safe sharing the flight with the delegation.Sep0109:07Israeli settlers to resume building on West Bank after Hebron killingsTags: ISRAEL PALESTINEWest Bank settlers to defy freeze on construction, putting further strain on contentious issue in this week's peace talksHow wonderfully lucky for the land-thieves that those four got shot by HAMAS (nudge nudge wink wink) just when most convenient!!!!Sep0109:02America's Healthcare InsanityBy: Saladin
Tags: CURRENT EVENTS DICTATORSHIPSCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATUREBravo Democrats . . . you took your one chance to finally fix the nation's healthcare system, and forced every citizen to become a paying customer of the insurance agencies you've been vilifying throughout this charade.This "overhaul" ended up being one more way to track and control the public, which makes me think this was probably the goal all along.Sep0109:00Problem bank list climbs to 829Tags: ECONOMYThe government's list of troubled banks hit its highest level since 1993 during the second quarter, although the pace of growth continued to slow, according to a government report released Tuesday.Sep0108:59Combat troops on Iraq pullout: 'I'm going home'Tags: IRAQIn a single burst of jubilance, one soldier shouted out the back of his Stryker vehicle, “We won, we're going home! We won! Its over! America, we brought democracy to Iraq!”Does anyone recall that we were sold this war to get
Saddam's "Nookular" bombs? (He didn't have any) Does anyone recall that we were sold this war to avenge 9-11? (Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11). Does anyone recall that we were sold this war to stop Iraq from supporting Al Qaeda? (They weren't). And before we start exporting Democracy to other nations, maybe we need to get it working smoothly here in the US. In any event, Americans kids are still dying in Iraq, officially of "indirect" fire, but they are still dying in Iraq. Not since the the USSR has a government lied so openly and blatantly to its own people.Sep0108:48Benjamin Netanyahu: Shooting Means "No Compromise" In TalksTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ISRAELWhich is exactly why Israel staged the shooting! By way of deception...» 1 comment^Sep0108:47Half of Your Taxes Will Go for Interest Under ObamaTags: ECONOMY TAXESCongressional Budget Office forecasts of government deficits and debt are supposed to be authoritative. But Congress
forces the CBO to make unrealistic assumptions when issuing those estimates.The latest assumptions include that the alternative minimum tax will not be adjusted annually for inflation and that discretionary spending unrelated to war will increase no faster than inflation."Oooooh, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money!!!" -- Federal Reserve» 1 comment^Sep0108:43EXCLUSIVE: New Video of World Trade Center 7 Released Showing Michael Hess Calling Down For Help While He is Stuck in the BuildingTags: 911Take a look for yourself. Michael Hess, clearly visible, is stuck in the building. This corroborates the story they told that on the way down trying to evacuate the building, an explosion occurred inside of the building which trapped them. The stairway, where the explosion occurred, blew out the last floors in the stairwell. Barry Jennings gave an exclusive interview with Loose Change creator Dylan Avery where Barry stated that
when he was finally found by firefighters, they stepped over dead bodies in the lobby on their way out. After the video publicly aired, Barry Jennings mysteriously died just
Arben Nelku
2010-09-04 20:56:36 UTC
Expose deception by the Zionist controlled Goverment & Media ( The Other Side Of the News!!!)
Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a
war and lied to get one, aided by selfish people in the media WHO TOOK MONEY FROM Goverment TO LIE T O THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. The government and the media traded the blood of these young Americans for their personal gain. Look at their faces. How can you not be angry?

Arrests made at Blair booksigning in DublinBy: Nilwik
And of cause, it wasn't the REAL villain that was booked.
Just some fool thinking that UN and international laws apply to all of us.» 2 commentsSep0411:27Cemetery In ForeclosureTags: ECONOMY» 1 comment^Sep0411:27CHURCHILL WAS LIKE HITLER?By: poorrichard
Tags: HIDDEN HISTORYLeo Amery, former UK Secretary of State for India, could see a similarity between Churchill's attitude to Indians and Hitler's attitude to Jews. (Churchill's Secret War.)In 1943, millions of people were dying of starvation in Bengal, in India.The UK prime minister Winston Churchill could easily have stopped the famine by arranging a few shipments of food.But, but he refused.He also prevented others from helping.Winston Churchill described the Indians as "a beastly people with a beastly religion." (Churchill's Secret War.)He said they "bred like rabbits."Sep0411:15Mad Men: The Psychopaths of Power Play the Insanity CardTags: CURRENT EVENTSYet it is Bradley Manning who must be examined to see if he is mentally "unstable." Yes, of course, that's it: he must be crazy. Why else would anyone -- especially an American (and a real American, not one of those with, you know, funny names or dark skin), especially a soldier -- want to challenge
the authority and embarrass the benevolent leaders who protect us and care for us? To those pathetic wretches afflicted with the pathologies of power, Manning's actions -- courageous, noble, humane -- literally make no sense. Therefore, he must be mentally diseased.How "Old-School Soviet Union" of the US government to take this tack!»^Sep0411:05US Pushing Drugged, Vaccinated, Chlorinated Chickens on the WorldTags: SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATUREAfter over half a billion eggs were recalled from two factory hen layer operations in Iowa,[1] New York lawmakers proposed mandating vaccines against salmonella. [2] Mainstream media then blasted this message across the world. As the world’s largest producer of poultry [3] and second largest exporter [4], the US continues to hammer Russia about its embargo of chlorinated chickens.[5] Home to the biggest pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the world, the US is fond of throwing drugs and chemicals at a
problem instead of addressing the filth of factory farms.What I have a hard time getting my head around is, why does Russia seem to have better care for its food chain than does the US government?!?Sep0411:05WHY REAL AMERICANS SHOULD BE ANGRYBy: tyler durden
Tags: 911 COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSHow’s your blood pressure? Meds doing OK? Have you already forgotten the lies that got us into Iraq? Americans have certainly forgotten the wounded soldiers and the disabled vets. What we had really done is allow ourselves to put our sanity on the shelf for 8 years, not all of us, mind you but too many.If you are one of those few who stood up from 9/11 onward saying that something was terribly wrong, that the nation was being hijacked by a pack of thieving bastards, go ahead and watch.» 2 commentsSep0411:03Canada-Israel Public Security Agreement. Canada involving Israel in the Americas, Despite Blatant Human Rights ViolationsTags: ISRAELCanadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is concerned by the purpose of Minister of State Kent's trip to Israel and his statements on Canadian-Israeli relations. "Israel is not a good partner for Canada on the international stage,
because Israel simply does not respect international law." said Thomas Woodley, president of CJPME. "The Canadian government is acting inconsistently by seeking to actively engage Israel in the geo-politics of the Americas, considering Israel's role in the current instability of the Middle East."» 1 comment^Sep0411:00Why Americans Elect Awful PresidentsTags: CURRENT EVENTSAll this tells me that any nation that can elect such inept people president can also elect other people that appear to have no right or chance to be president of the United States just as Bush and Obama once appeared before they were sold to the public. That is what is so frightening about the future of this nation. The two-party plutocracy with its stranglehold on the American political system has the power to elect presidents that are an insult to the great ones that once served the nation with pride and competence.Delusional voters have produced our delusional democracy which
strongly favors corporate, wealthy and elitist interests over ordinary Americans. This explains frightening economic inequality and the demise of the middle class.» 1 comment^Sep0410:58READER PHOTOS FROM CHRISTCHURCH QUAKETags: CURRENT EVENTS SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURESep0410:57US, SKorea to hold further naval drillsTags: KOREASouth Korea and the United States will hold joint anti-submarine exercises in another show of force against North Korea, officials said Friday, as Pyongyang renewed threats against the drills.This is about as far from "engagement" of North Korea as humanly possible, and not apt to make China happy either.It appears that US policy here is that of ratcheting up tensions in the Korean peninsula, rather than calming them down.Sep0410:51Rocket fired from Gaza hits Israel, no casualtiesTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDAMeaning it was most likely fired by Israeli agents provocateurs.As a side note, HAMAS did not "route"
anything; they won the elections and FATAH failed to overthrow the elected government in Gaza.» 1 comment^Sep0410:51Settlers Vow to Ignore Freeze, Launch Mass Construction ProjectsTags: ISRAELThough the “partial” settlement freeze in the occupied West Bank is still officially in effect, Israeli MP Danny Danon played host to an unofficial “end,” pouring the cornerstone in a new settlement construction project in retaliation for a shooting attack in Hebron.The alleged "freeze" in construction was simply a bad joke, at the Palestinians' expense.What we will continue to see here is massive annexation of Palestinian lands, coupled with forced Israeli expulsions of Palestinians from homes in which their families have lived for generations.And to settler spokesman Bennet's prediction that Palestinians "will give up", I wouldn't bet on it.These building projects may well generate the next intifada.Sep0410:49Oil MadnessTags: GULF OIL
DISASTERSep0410:46UN Atomic Agency Curtails Probe of Israel’s Nuclear CapabilityTags: ISRAELUnited Nations investigators, ordered to write a report about Israel’s atomic capabilities, said they couldn’t compile enough information to assess the extent of the country’s nuclear program.The International Atomic Energy Agency released documents today showing a split between member countries who want more light shed on Israel’s nuclear work and others that say the Vienna-based organization doesn’t have the right to pry.Odd, they didn't say that when the IAIA was investigating Iraq and Iran!!!!Sep0410:44Daily Presidential Tracking PollTags: WHITE HOUSEThe Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of
-21Sep0410:43Survey of employed finds 25 percent lost a job during recessionTags: ECONOMYJust over a quarter of the nation's 139 million currently employed workers endured a bout of unemployment during the Great Recession, according to results of a Pew Research Center survey released Thursday. And they tend to be less satisfied in their current jobs than are other workers.Sep0410:43Trapped Chilean Miners Denied Pay While UndergroundTags: SOUTH AMERICAThe 33 men trapped 2,258 feet below ground in a Chilean mine recently found out that they would be receiving no pay from the company responsible for their ordeal.Union official Evelyn Olmos stated that San Esteban, the company that operates the mine, has said it has no money to pay their wages and absorb lawsuits, and is not even participating in the rescue (Daily Mail).Unflipping believable.One has to wonder just how cozy the mine owners, Alejandro Bohn, and Marcelo Kemeny, are with the current Chilean
government, and the Sernageomin (Chile's National Geology and Mine Service).It is also interesting to note that the current President of Chile, President Pinera, a direct descendant of Chile's former military dictator, Agusto Pinochet.

As reported on 3 September, 2010 at:http://www.wsws.org/articles/2010/sep2010/chil-s03.shtml?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter"the extensive media coverage of this dramatic episode gives short shrift, if any mention at all, to the social, economic and political conditions that created the disaster in the first place, and the similar conditions confronting miners in hundreds of other small and unsafe mining operations in Chile. For the most part, the media studiously avoids the criminal responsibility of the mine owners and the Chilean government.""The San José mine had a record of 80 accidents. In 2004, a miner died after a cave-in. In 2006, a truck driver in the mine was also killed in an accident. That same year 182 workers were injured, 56 of them seriously, according to GlobalPost."Sep0410:43ABBAS: FROM WANNABE TO HASBEENTags: PALESTINESep0410:40Gilad Atzmon: Bloody MemoirTags: CURRENT EVENTSTony Blair, a man who launched a criminal war
with no end, declared once again today that “Radical Islam is the world's greatest threat”Sep0410:38Tony Blair unscathed after eggs and shoes thrown ahead of book signing protestBy: Nilwik
This wanker should be euphoric about the fact he ain't getting the same treatment as all those he sent to a die in a illegal war.Sep0410:30Huge floating radar leaves Ford Island dock after maintenanceTags: HAWAII WAR/DRAFT/VETERAN AFFAIRSAdak, Alaska, was the radar's intended home port, but the SBX has spent scant time there. It has never pulled into port in Adak, officials said.Reading between the lines, it is obvious that this very expensive pile of junk isn't dong what it was built to do. Ever time they have it in port for testing our local area network starts acting weird and the WiFi locks up. And it always seems to be in port for upgrades since it first arrived here in 2006. I recall driving back from a shoot on LOST and seeing the radar arriving on the transport ship.The problem is that this pile of junk, not yet working, is already obsolete. The newest generation of Russian (and presumably Chinese) MIRV is maneuverable. IT does not follow a
simple ballistic curve but changes direction constantly, "jinking" in order to make a prediction of where it will be in the next few seconds impossible. The cone shape of the MIRV is a naturally stealthy shape, the heat of re-entry prevents an accurate IR lock-on, the same ionization that blocks radar beams from detecting the MIRV also would foil a focused radio "zorch." And the roiling heated air from the re-entry shockwave ahead of the vehicle (which is already heat proof) obviates the use of the new laser weapons against an inbound, even if the blooming problem could be solved.» 3 comments^Sep0410:24As Iraq War Continues, a Surge in ContractorsTags: IRAQLess often mentioned are the massive army of private security contractors, tens of thousands of whom remain in Iraq and continue to go on largely as they have, fighting the same war they have been fighting for seven and a half years."Combat operations" in Iraq have not ended: they have merely been
rebranded.Sep0410:22Come Home AmericaTags: AFGHANISTANIf we don’t bail out the Kabul Bank – the notoriously corrupt institution run by Mahmoud Karzai, brother of the Afghan "president," which has handed out millions in "loans" to Karzai’s cronies – will the terrorists have won? Well, yes, according to Mahmoud, who demands that America "do something," i.e. hand over lots of cash.Khalil Frozi, another Karzai crony, and one of the two largest shareholders, said a "revolution" would occur unless the US Treasury department acted to guarantee that "everyone gets their money."If the US government bails out the Kabul bank, every cent of that bailout will have been stolen from US taxpayers, already on the edge financially, and sinking fast.Should such a bailout occur, it will be the US government's ultimate moment of ****ing in the face of every single US citizen, and telling them it's raining, while US infrastructure collapses, and homeless Vets are
sleeping in our streets.One has to wonder as to just what shape collective American outrage will take, at that point. It's going to be an interesting November election season.»^Sep0410:12'Palestinian Gandhi' Convicted for Protesting; U.S. SilentTags: ISRAELLast week, an Israeli military court convicted Abdallah Abu Rahmah, whom progressive Zionists have called a "Palestinian Gandhi," of "incitement" and "organizing and participating in illegal demonstrations" for organizing protests against the confiscation of Palestinian land by the "Apartheid Wall" in the village of Bilin in the West Bank, following an eight month trial, during which he was kept in prison.The Israeli government loathes non-violent Palestinian protest, because it shows the real face of Israeli occupation.Sep0410:12Oldsmar Pantry's Former Donors Now Seek Its HelpBy: johnu78
Tags: CURRENT EVENTS ECONOMYBonnie Dunn sees every person who passes through Oldsmar Cares, the volunteer-run nonprofit that provides clothes as well as rental, utility and food assistance to those in need.Over the years, the profile of the needy has changed."When we first started doing this," Dunn said, "they were down-and-out people — people that don't have jobs, people that have had sicknesses, the elderly who are on fixed incomes. Now we have people coming here that have never had to do this before, people from all walks of life."...Sep0410:09Activist Pamela Geller Threatens NYPD With Violence, She Will Have EDL Thugs At Her Anti-Muslim Mosque Protest September 11th, 2010.Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDAIf the mosque is blocked from being built near ground zero, then we should block Catholic churches from being built near playgrounds!Sep0410:08Gates Touts ‘Progress’ as Afghan Violence SoarsTags: AFGHANISTANTypifying the short memories
of top officials within the administration, Secretary Gates today toured a few bases and came away with boundless optimism, insisting that great progress has been made in the ever-worsening war and that he is “encouraged” by everything he sees.One has to worry about Gate's ever-increasing disconnect from reality here; it is almost on the brink of clinically delusional.How in the name of heaven he can characterize what he is seeing as "progress" is beyond the ken of thinking, rational human beings.Sep0410:06Israeli Settlement Construction Booms Despite BanTags: ISRAEL PALESTINEObviously there never was a ban. The ban was a myth sold to Americans to make them less resistant to paying for the displacement of the Palestinians form their own lands.Sep0410:05A New NetanyahuTags: ISRAEL PALESTINE WHITE HOUSEMy sole reason for optimism is that I cannot imagine that President Barack Obama would have initiated this effort if it was doomed to failure.
Why bother?Because it makes Obama and the Democrats look good going into the midterm elections, idiot!Sep0410:04Israeli US envoy: Hizbullah has 15,000 rockets on borderTags: ISRAELHizbullah has an arsenal of approximately 15,000 rockets amassed on Lebanon's border with Israel, including some with a long enough range to hit the southern city of Eilat, Israeli envoy to the US Michael Oren told AFP on Friday."The Syrian-Iranian backed Hizbullah poses a very serious threat to Israel...Hizbullah today now has four times as many rockets as it had during the 2006 Lebanon war. These rockets are longer-range. Every city in Israel is within range right now, including Eilat," he said.Memo to Israeli Ambassador Oren: just how many missiles does Israel have, poised to hit Beirut and the rest of Lebanon?Sep0410:03Freedom Watch – The Empire Of America 9/4/2010By: portos
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA VIDEOSep0410:02Adult services censored on CraigslistTags: COMPUTERS/INTERNET/SECURITY DICTATORSHIPThe section that usually reads "adult services" was replaced by the word "censored."It was not immediately clear whether Craigslist removed the adult services and replaced them with the "censored" section that had a link that was not active. But for users who accessed the account outside the U.S., the erotic services link was still active."Americans should not have sex. They should get their orgasms killing Israel's enemies!" -- Official White Horse SouseSep0410:01LA: Israeli charged with human-traffickingTags: ISRAELMordechai Orian, CEO of manpower firm, suspected of forcing 400 Thai laborers to work on US farmsThe recent human-trafficking arrest here in Hawaii made national news. Have you seen this Israeli mentioned on ABCNNBBCBS?Sep0409:59Labor Secretary: 'There are jobs out there'Tags: ECONOMYI am not an
economist. I believe that numbers only tell you part of the story. I deal with real people, and I know that the only true replacement for a job lost, is a new job that pays good wages. I'm committed to making that a reality for anyone who wants a job.Sorry, Secretary Solis, but the bovine excrement meter sucked a valve on this statement.I know many skilled people who are out of a job through no fault of their own, because their jobs were offshored, who are desperately attempting to reinvent themselves professionally, but all to no avail.They have lost homes, families, and hope. And this administration appears pathologically incapable - and/or unwilling - to help them in any real way.

I notice also, at the bottom of the form, that this was developed - and copyritten - by the State of Minnesota, NOT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.I don't mind that you are not an economist. But as someone of authority in the Cabinet, you should have the horse-sense to get the President's ear, and remind him that:1. You improve an economy by cutting taxes.2. You improve an economy by incentivizing the return of AT LEAST our manufacturing base, so that well-paying jobs come back from places like China and Bangladesh.3. You improve an economy by ditching the Fed, as soon and as unceremoniously as possible, and enabling the government itself to create money.4. You improve an economy by stopping spending on endless, illegal and immoral wars without end.Of course, Secretary Solis, all these steps are logical.Unfortunately, the relationship between logic and the Federal Government has been ... how can I say this kindly... rather distant for the last several
administrations, including this one.Sep0409:58The Mind ConspiratorsTags: DICTATORSHIPMore and more Americans today are coming to understand the terrible truth about our Federal Government -- that it seeks to dominate us as citizens, to mold us into a society of dutiful Stepford Wives totally beholden to the wishes of elite politicians, bureaucrats and bankers. Those who study history, independent of the public school system, understand that this state aggrandizement process has been under way for the past 100 years in America in one form or another, and that it is taking place because too many of our citizens sanction such dictatorial usurpation and actually work diligently for its implementation.» 1 comment^Sep0409:57Summer jobs hit all-time low for youthsTags: ECONOMYSep0409:57Aerial footage of Christchurch earthquake damageTags: SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURESep0409:55Oil Rain In Louisiana?Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0409:54is it raining oil
here?Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0409:54where did the oil come from?Tags: GULF OIL DISASTERSep0409:51THE DISAPPEARING MALEBy: Saladin
Tags: SCIENCE/HEALTH/CLIMATE/NATURE"We are conducting a vast toxicological experiment in which our children and our children's children are the experimental subjects." ~ Dr. Herbert NeedlemanThe Disappearing Male is about
one of the most important,
and least publicized,issues
facing the human species:
the toxic threat to the male reproductive system.Includes 44 minute video.Sep0409:47Daily Paul / Michael Nystrom Sued by Righthaven LLC in Massive Blogger Copyright ShakedownTags: COMPUTERS/INTERNET/SECURITY DICTATORSHIPRighthaven's standard shakedown seems to go as follows: The firm goes trolling the web, looking for content that from the Las Vegas Review-Journal that has been reposted on other blogs or websites. Once it finds a match, it acquires the copyright from the Review-Journal, then - without first contacting the accused blogger / website owner - files a lawsuit in Nevada Federal court. The standard damages seem to be for $75,000 and forfeiture of the domain name to Righthaven. I assume that is what I am being sued for as well, though I have yet to see it.The financial realities of being a blogger being what they are, I cannot imagine that Righthaven LLC actually thinks they can make any money off of these lawsuits, and confiscation of the
domain names adds a further indicator that this is simply a covert means to shut down dissent on the web by targeting the blogs which are exposing corruption. In an age of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act!Now, I agree that simply copying an entire article into a site is not appropriate without permission of the copyright holder, but excerpting for the purpose of comment/criticism and linking to the original source are as of this writing still considered fair use.That being said, Righthaven LLC has a clear financial motive to join blogs that allow member posts to plant entire stores for the express purpose of creating an opportunity for litigation (much as the Canadian Human Rights Council was caught doing), and indeed I have had to kick a few members off of this website who refused to quit posting entire articles without permissions.This is an attack on free speech using the copyright laws as a weapon of tyranny. At some point the blogs
will have to go underground, and we should be prepared to do so.Sep0409:39Richest lawmakers grew wealthier as economy falteredTags: CURRENT EVENTSThe rest of the country is still struggling with high unemployment amid a sluggish-at-best economic recovery -- but the wealthiest members of Congress are in high cotton. Indeed, the top 50 wealthiest lawmakers saw their combined net worths increase last year, according to the Hill's annual analysis of financial disclosure documents.Combined, the 50 lawmakers were worth $1.4 billion in 2009 -- an $85.1 million increase over their 2008 total -- the Hill reports. The members' total combined assets depreciated by nearly $36 million last year -- but Congress' well-to-do set also reduced their debts by a combined $120 million.Unflipping believable.Sep0409:37THE LIE OF THE CENTURYTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA GREAT BRITAIN IRAQFirst off is Tony Blair's "Dodgy Dossier", a document released by the Prime
Minister that made many of the claims used to support the push for war. The dossier soon collapsed when it was
revealed that much of it had been plagiarized from a student thesis paper that was 12 years old!The
contents of the dossier, however much they seemed to create a good case for invasion, were obsolete and
outdated.This use of material that could not possibly be relevant at the time is clear proof of a
deliberate attempt to deceive.Letting Tony Blair know that we know he is full of shit!Sep0409:3730 False Fronts Won Contracts for BlackwaterTags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDABlackwater Worldwide created a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq, according to Congressional investigators and former Blackwater officials.While it is not clear how many of those businesses won contracts, at least three had deals with the United States military or the Central Intelligence Agency, according to former government and company officials. Since 2001, the intelligence agency has awarded up to $600 million in classified contracts to Blackwater and its affiliates, according to a United States government official.With the super-cozy relationship between the CIA and Blackwater, little things like
extrajudicial assassinations of innocent Iraqi citizens wasn't going to get in Blackwater's way!Sep0409:34An Al Quds day letter to Tony Blair. From Lauren Booth, in Iran.Tags: GREAT BRITAIN IRAN MIDDLE EASTI guess that Tony Blair’s sister in law, Lauren Booth, could easily use the phone and tell Tony what she thinks of him, his politics and his new memoir. However, being a peace activist she decided also to share it with the rest of us.Sep0409:32Waking Up in the 1930sTags: ECONOMYn the year 2010, America once again embraced the bread line. That distant, faded, iconic black-and-white image of the Great Depression has re-emerged across the nation, waiting to be updated fully into HD color.Sep0409:31Tony Blair pelted with eggs and shoes as anti-war protester attempts citizen's arrest during publicity trail for controversial memoirTags: PROTESTS/REVOLUTIONThe missiles, which were thrown by anti-war protesters, did not hit the former prime minister as
he arrived at a bookshop in Dublin.And the lesson to be learned here is that when a high profile target comes to town, spend the week before practicing your aim by hurling eggs, old shoes, and rotten produce at your local corrupted politicians, such that the rare splendid opportunity does not go to waste.PS Salmonella-infected eggs are really cheap here in the US right now and for the purpose of hurling at Israel's bitches like Tony, spending a few weeks in a shipping container prior to use is a good thing!Sep0409:20Israeli bid to access sensitive EU personal data resistedTags: ISRAELne may legitimately wonder how many duel-citizenship functionaries are employed by the EU and its member-states, and to what extent, if any, their efforts are co-ordinated.» 1 comment^Sep0409:14Experts See Trouble Ahead For Developed WorldBy: ActivistPost
Tags: COVER-UP/DECEPTIONS/PROPAGANDA ECONOMYIs the global economy out of the woods? Two years after near-meltdown, with the U.S. looking sluggish, equity markets groggy and Europeans fighting a debt crisis, experts gathered in Italy offered a generally gloomy outlook – especially for the United States and much of the industrialized world.The doomsayers were led by New York University economist Nouriel Roubini, who warned in booming tones that "there is a significant risk of a double-dip recession in the United States" as well as in Japan and many European countries.
Arben Nelku
2010-09-06 21:31:13 UTC
Expose deception by the Zionist controlled Goverment & Media ( The Other Side Of the News!!!)
Dead because of a lie. Dead because selfish people in government wanted a 
and lied to get one, aided by selfish
people in the media WHO TOOK MONEY FROM Goverment TO LIE T O THE
AMERICAN PEOPLE. The government and the media traded the blood of these
young Americans for their personal gain. Look at their faces. How can
you not be angry?


Iran on brink of nuclear weapon, warns watchdog


A report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said
Iranian nuclear scientists had made at least 22 kilograms of enriched
uranium at least 20 per cent purity, a technical hurdle that is the
hardest to overcome on the way to weapons-grade uranium.
Experts estimate that 20 kgs of uranium is the minimum required to
arm a warhead. The uranium would still need to have its purity raised to
90 per cent, but that is a relatively easy process.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

This is more of that propaganda Israel pays so much money for.
What the IAEA actually said was that Iran has enriched uranium up to
20 percent, the level required for medical isotopes. The IAEA did not
state this was a step towards a nuclear weapon, nor did it say that this
was a significant technical hurdle, after which the climb to 90% is "a
relatively easy process." In fact the refinement from 20% to 90%
represents a four-fold increase in difficulty and cost.
I can understand why the Telegraph does not allow reader
comments on their stories, because anyone with a knowledge of nuclear
physics would rip this obvious pro-war baloney into shreds.


David Rockefellers Speech for Population control

By: portos


David Rockefeller gives a speech about over
population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the
U.N. should sustain the population.


Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment!

By: portos



9/11 Mysteries - Building Collapses.

By: portos



The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq

By: Jnoubiyeh

Tags: IRAQ

Attributing the desecration of Iraq to such
generalities as “corporatism” or “imperialism” is baseless and
unequivocally cowardly. Corporatism and imperialism are not living,
breathing entities which determine the affairs of mankind. There are
individuals behind every action of corporate greed and imperial
interests. They have names. They have affiliations. And in the case of
the illegal invasion, occupation and subsequent genocide against Iraq,
every individual involved is a Zionist of Khazarian or Anglo extraction
with dual loyalty to the despicable, criminal, illegitimate state of


Earth's surface 'lurches 11ft to the right' as New Zealand earthquake rips new fault line

By: kdtroxel


The earthquake that devastated a city in New Zealand, Sept. 3, 2010, tore open a new 11ft faultine in the Earth’s surface.
The 7.1-magnitude quake which hit Christchurch, the country’s
second-largest city, destroyed about 500 buildings and caused an
estimated £930million of damage.
But hundreds of lives were saved by tough building rules, it was claimed. Only two injuries were reported.



Sarah Palin – A Modern-Day Medusa?

By: PoliticalTheatrics


At the very outset I must admit that I did not
vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin in the last U.S. presidential
election. Forget her kowtowing to the neo-conservative, Likudnik,
Christian Zionist cause, and harmful divisive views on everything that
mattered from internal politics to international affairs, she appeared
so vague and so damn stupid in her interview with Katie Couric that I
could only take pity on those brain-dead supporters that voted for her
and McCain. Well, I am not alone in that evaluation of Palin’s


US Expects to Subsidize Afghan Training for Years

By: kdtroxel


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States expects
to spend about $6 billion a year training and supporting Afghan troops
and police after it begins pulling out its own combat troops in 2011,
The Associated Press has learned.
The previously undisclosed estimates of U.S. spending through 2015,
detailed in a NATO training mission document, are an acknowledgment that
Afghanistan will remain largely dependent on the United States for its
That reality could become problematic for the Obama administration as
it continues to seek money for Afghanistan from Congress at a time of
increasingly tight budgets.



Why Americans Elect Awful Presidents

By: PoliticalTheatrics


For years I muttered mentally to myself about
the insanity of Americans electing George W. Bush president. Now I go
through the same agony about the craziness of the nation electing Barack
Obama president. As much as I thought Bush was a manipulated
second-rate politician that carried out the terribly destructive
policies pushed by Cheney and other conservative corporate shills, now I
feel equally angry that so many voters fell for the slick rhetoric and
lies of Obama. Disgust produces public thirst for change and Obama was
wickedly brilliant at selling change. When voters are so easily
victimized what does democracy amount to?

» 1 comment


U.S. Marine Veteran Returns to America as a “Terrorist,” Says Israel

By: tyler durden


- Whose side are we on? -
"I will be returning to America in the next 36 hours as a publicly
accused “terrorist operative”, according to the Israeli military that
is. It will be interesting to see how my birth nation will handle me.
Especially because I headed to Gaza aboard the Freedom Flotilla in order
to “train a commando unit for Hamas” (according to Israel). But even
before I was venturing to train commando units I was already on the US
“terror watch list”, so it is with much excitement I prepare for


Shaped Charges and the World Trade Center Collapses

Tags: 911

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Above the fireman's head, you can
see a beam with the signature marks of a demolition cutter charge
running diagonally across the beam.

» 1 comment^


Why The Fourth Branch Of The US Government Needs To Be Abolished, And Why "Authority" Should Never Be Trusted

By: poorrichard


Yesterday we presented Dylan Grice's thoughts
on why economists and their opinions should be summarily dismissed as
nothing but mere noise on the steep downward slope of a series of failed
"authoritarian" policy decisions, which seek to validate one false
choice after another, by presenting a hypothetical and fallacious
counter-outcome as a certain reality (just consider the "apocalypse" we
would be living in if Goldman had failed: of course, there is no
justification for this except for what Bernanke et al claim is the one
true alternative reality based on nothing but their own conflicted
interests), which does nothing but discredit the "science" of economics
more and more with each passing day.



Leaked Video: Glenn Beck uses Vicks to Cry

By: portos


"This is only shocking video to those that love Glenn Beck and think he cries non-stop because he 'loves this country.'"



Tags: 911

Webmaster's Commentary: 

All previous versions of this
video showing the collapse straight down of WTC7 began after the cave-in
of the Penthouse at the top. This unedited video starts before the
Penthouse at the top collapses and very clearly one hears the sound of
an explosion initiating the collapse sequence.
Bump back to the top!



9/11 News Videos Reporting WTC Explosions

Tags: 911

"They won't let me go any closer. No-one can go in and get the people out. There's small explosions still going on."

Optional Banner: 

WRH 9-11 story


Russian official: U.S. hindering resumption of talks with Iran

Tags: IRAN

A senior Russian government official said on Monday that the United
States was hindering the resumption of talks with Iran on a fuel swap
deal aimed at easing concern over the Islamic Republic's nuclear
The comments, made to a discussion group of Russia experts, appeared
aimed at nudging Washington towards restarting stalled UN-backed talks
to provide Iran with nuclear fuel for a Tehran research reactor.
Western powers suspect Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons, a
fear heightened by its move in February to start enriching uranium to a
level of 20 percent from about 3.5 percent previously, taking it closer
to weapons-grade thresholds.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Fact-checking used to be a part of the
journalistic trade; apparently, for this particular outlet, it is
obvious that fact-checking has gone the way of the whoopee cushion and
the dribble glass.
A 20% enrichment is necessary for the creation of medical isotopes; it takes 90% or more enrichment to actually create a nuclear weapon.

» 1 comment^


Munir's Story: 28 years after the Massacre at Sabra-Shatila

By: sabbah


Scores of horror testimonies have been shared
over the past nearly three decades by survivors Sabra-Shatila
massacre... the massacres were undeniable war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and genocide. Each killing was a violation of international
laws enshrined in the Fourth Geneva Convention, International Customary
Law and jus cogens. Similar massive crimes have seen charges brought
against Rwandan officials, Chile's ex-president, General Augusto
Pinochet, Chad's former president, Hissein Habre, former Serbian
President Slobodan Milosevic, Liberia's Taylor and Sudan's Bachir.
No one has been punished or even investigated for the Sabra-Shatila massacre.
Continue reading: http://sabbah.in/a2j831


Economists: Second Economic Stimulus Needed

By: kdtroxel


National Debt Not Most Important Issue; Experts Suggest Infrastructure Spending, Payroll Tax Holiday Would Spur New Hires
The White House is facing a public that's very pessimistic about the
economy, with new unemployment numbers rising to 9.6 percent, the first
increase in four months. The Democrats are staring at possible defeat in
the mid-term elections if the job market does not improve, and
President Barack Obama will outline new measures Wednesday aimed at
boosting the U.S. economy.

» 1 comment


Poll: Half of Israeli teens don't want Arab students in their class


Sixty four percent of Israeli teens aged 15 to 18 say that Arab
Israelis do not enjoy full equal rights in Israel, and from that group,
59 percent believe that they should not have full equal rights,
according to a special survey prepared for the "Education in the Digital
Age" conference held in Haifa on Monday.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Disturbing, but eye-opening, in terms of how the future of Israel may be evolving here.
A basic democracy is defined as a government which provides equal
rights for all; any government which cannot provide that for all of
their citizens cannot, properly, be defined as a democracy.

» 1 comment^


Why Big Bankers and Corporations Love Obama

By: poorrichard



Barak Meets Putin in Russia, Clinches Military Deals


Defense Minister Ehud Barak paid a 24-hour visit to Russia Monday,
meeting visit with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. The contents
of the talks are not being publicized, but it was announced that Russia
agreed to buy Israeli military equipment.
The talks are assumed to have centered on Iran's nuclear program and
Russia’s role in fueling the Bushehr reactor, Russian arms sales to
Damascus and Tehran, and on combating extreme Islamist terrorist groups.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

One might wonder if, perhaps, Israel has
"blinked" regarding initiating some sort of pre-emptive attack against
Iran, with the quid pro quo being that Russia has agreed to purchase
some of Israel's military hardware as the "price" for Israel's not going
ahead with an attack.
If that is the case here, it is a very positive development.


Alex Snitker Ad Airs During NBC's "Meet The Press"

By: johnu78



School closed after boy finds bomb in playground



Children at a school in County Antrim in
Northern Ireland were moved to a church on Monday after a pupil found a
bomb in the playground.
Police safely removed the bomb and no-one was hurt. They're now trying to find out who left the bomb.
The bishop?


Troops fire on protesters in Kashmir, 3 killed


Government forces fired on protesters hurling stones at them in
Indian Kashmir on Monday, killing three people and wounding at least 17
other demonstrators, police said.
For the last three months, the mostly Muslim Kashmir region has been
roiled by demonstrations and clashes between protesters opposed to
Indian rule and government forces. The deaths bring to 68 the number of
people killed in the civil unrest.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The Indian government appears to be doing everything within their power to make matters worse here.
The only thing that will ultimately stop the carnage here will be for
India to grant Kashmir its right of referendum and self-determination.
This would be a bold, courageous move on the part of the Indian
government, and would do much to ratchet down tensions with its
nuclear-armed neighbor, Pakistan.


Tony Blair cancels book signing amid protest fears



Tony Blair has cancelled a planned book
signing in London on Wednesday to prevent causing the public and the
police "a lot of hassle".




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WRH Exclusive


PCHR Condemns Detention and Harassment of the Amru Family in Hebron


According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 13:20
on Friday, 03 September 2010, Palestinian security forces stormed
Sinjer quarter in the east of Dura town, southwest of Hebron, in order
to arrest Ahmed 'Eissa 'Amru, 67, claiming that he delivered a sermon in
a mosque inciting against the Palestinian Authority. Security officers
insulted and violently beat members of his family, including women and

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Take a good, hard look at the marks and bruises on the back of this person, beaten by the IDF.
This is the "new normal" for Palestinians in Hebron.


IDF document: “policy principle: separating Gaza from West Bank”


The recent IDF slideshow is the first time an Israeli official document publicly declares that the current policy objective is to create two separate political entities in the Palestinian territories.
Nirit Ben-Ari, spokeswoman for Gisha, an Israeli NGO dealing with the
freedom of movement, export and import to and from the Palestinian
territories, said that "while in Washington a Palestinian state is being
negotiated and people are already discussing 'a train line between Gaza
and Ramallah', in reality Israel is working to separate
Gaza from the West bank even further than the separation already caused
by the split in the Palestinian leadership.

» 1 comment^


Unrepentant Tony Blair Calls for Iran Attacks

Tags: IRAN

Blair however chides antiwar people to “keep an open mind” and insists that the war was a great success.
So great a success in fact that he seems eager to replicate it with a similar war against Iran on similarly false pretenses.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Okay Phony Tony; here is your
rifle and here is your parachute. Climb aboard this here airplane and
we'll call Ahmadinejad and tell him you are on your way.

» 1 comment^


Denver Mayor's Non-profit Funded Agitator Group Re-Create 68 During DNC to Assure 50 Million in Fed funding


It is now being reported that Denver Mayor Hickenlooper's non-profit
organization had helped fund this agitator group Re-create 68 in order
to secure the 50 million dollars in Federal funding to beef up the
police state that was in effect during that time.




Webmaster's Commentary: 

We are all aware that Righthaven
LLC is suing all websites it can for copyright infringement from Stevens
Media. The obvious solution is simply to never read anything from
Stevens Media, lest we inadvertently copy something we ought not to.
This plugin for Firefox makes sure you never see anything owned by
Stevens Media on any of their websites anywhere in the world. Better
safe than sorry!
I am sure this will make Stevens Media very happy indeed to know
they are permanently safe from ever having any of their materials copied
or for that matter even read by anyone ever again anywhere in the
Please spread this useful tool everywhere you can. There is also a version for Chrome



Ripping Off Dead War Vets' Beneficiaries


Pru and Met Life alone rip off hundreds of millions of dollars
annually, stealing one of their main profit centers with no
accountability. Since 1999, the VA let Prudential send survivors
"checkbooks" for its Alliance Account. "In 2009 alone, (recipient)
families....were supposed to be paid" $1 billion in death benefits
"immediately, according to their insurance policies. They weren't."

Webmaster's Commentary: 

This is grand theft, writ large, but the VA does nothing about it?!?


US becoming a Third World country?


Some of the warning signs that indicate America's fantastic fall from
a First World nation include rising unemployment and poverty.
According to Spiegel Online, the United States is recently faced with a new phenomenon called "the new poor."
In Ventura California -- a luxurious resort city -- about 20 percent of the residents are at risk of homelessness.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

"It is not enough that I be rich; everybody else must be poor!" -- Any Banker.




Cover art for October issue of German progressive Jewish magazine “Der Semit”: http://dersemit.de




US group says it plans to send plane to Gaza
A pro-Palestinian group based in the US will send a plane loaded with
aid to the Gaza Strip in defiance of Israel’s air and sea blockade, an
official said Sunday.

“We intend to send an aircraft to Gaza in much the same way boats were
used — without going through Israeli or Egyptian airspace,” said Paul
Larudee, an organizer with the California-based Free Palestine Movement
sponsoring the flight.
Authorities in Gaza are supportive of the initiative and are working
to locate a landing site, Larudee said. Gaza’s now-defunct Yasser Arafat
International Airport is not being considered, he said.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Use parachute drops like the Berlin airlift sometimes did.




Instead of hurling threats of more violence, which only serve to
reinforce opinion that Hamas is a terrorist organization, the words and
deeds of the resistance movement should be carefully chosen to harmonise
with the West’s values and beliefs.
This is Hamas’s chance to ‘educate’ the rest of the world as to the
truth about the evil that stalks the Holy Land. It is perhaps a final
window of opportunity to define the massive, decades-old injustice




“Forcing the Gazan population to pay bills is out of the question.
They are suffering from a long siege, with the borders closed and no
jobs available.” People can be seen going from one neighbourhood to
another just to charge their mobile phones and laptops. One journalist
gets his laptop charged at a local hospital.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Ever notice that as the US government gets more Zionized, Americans' lives start to look more and more like the Palestinians?



Hamas, don't blow this chance

By: sabbah


This is Hamas's chance to 'educate' the rest
of the world as to the truth about the evil that stalks the Holy Land.
It is perhaps a final window of opportunity to define the massive,
decades-old injustice accurately.

For example, Hamas could have said: "Israel doesn't have a monopoly on
security and we Palestinians are equally entitled to feel safe
Jewish squatters terrorise Palestinian families, menace our children,
damage crops, poison our water and often cause fatal harm
 Therefore any
armed squatter on Palestinian soil risks the same fate as an armed
Palestinian found in Israel."
Continue reading: http://sabbah.in/bMWEJr


War Forevermore

By: Saladin


“Winning” today is to just keep on making war
in any shape or form so the rich get richer while the masses are just
tools – now on the battlefield – as they were in the worst of factories
in the West during the Industrial Revolution – and sitting on their fat
asses at home mesmerized by pieces of shit like Glenn Beck. And since
the media, owned of course by members of the Taliban, HAMAS, and
Hizballah, have turned the American public into retards; most Americans
don’t seem to notice that all we ever fucking do anymore is fight wars.


Israel picks Gaza war commander as new military chief


The Israeli cabinet on Sunday confirmed as armed forces chief Major
General Yoav Galant, who directed Israel's 2008-2009 Gaza war, the prime
minister's office said.
"The government approved his appointment as chief of staff for a
period of three years, with a possible extension to four years in
exceptional circumstances," it said in a statement.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Unflipping believable, but thoroughly predictable.


2010 Earthquake Frequency Graphic


We’ve gone from a couple Mag 7 earthquakes every other month to 2-3
per month. I can predict right now that September will have at least
three Mag 7+ quakes. Before the end of the year, not a week will go by
without a Mag 7+ quake.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The Earth is saying, "Get the @#$% off of me! :)



Israeli FM Slams Peace Talks, Insists Peace ‘Unattainable’ for Generations


Hawkish Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who has made it
clear time and again that he opposes on general principle the idea of a
peace settlement with the Palestinians, today again lashed out at the
“Signing a comprehensive peace agreement is an unattainable goal –
not next year and not in the next generation,” Lieberman insisted in
comments given at a Yisrael Beiteinu event.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

I would be almost be willing to bet that Israeli
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has his very own "final solution" to
the "Palestinian problem".

» 1 comment^


Sources: As many as 2,000 more troops may be going to Afghanistan


As many as 2,000 additional troops -- including a number of U.S.
forces -- may be headed to Afghanistan in the coming weeks under a plan
backed by Gen. David Petraeus, CNN has learned.
Petraeus has not commented publicly on the need for more troops, but a
U.S. defense official and a senior NATO official directly familiar with
his thinking and the entire matter have confirmed details to CNN.
The proposal for more troops has been briefed to NATO officials behind closed doors.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The US and NATO has never, ever had enough troops on the ground to win this on a military level.
This proposed addition of yet another 2,000 troops will
not put the US and NATO any closer to that goal, and Petraeus knows
The Afghan forces the US and NATO have trained have been notoriously
flaky in terms of getting the training, then using that training - and
American and NATO weapons - against American and NATO troops.
The insurgency here is winning: that is the reality.
What the US and NATO appear to be doing is just trying to prolong the
madness and insanity of this occupation just a little while longer, at
least through the US election cycle in November.
The only elements which appear to be "winning" in this conflict are
the drug dealers, and the large corporations supplying contract
mercenaries and supplies.



Lebanon PM says he erred in blaming father's murder on Syria


Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri said in comments published on
Monday that he erred in accusing Syria of the murder of his father,
ex-premier Rafiq Hariri, in a 2005 bombing in Beirut.
"At some point, we made a mistake," Hariri told the Saudi-owned daily
Asharq Al-Awsat. "At one stage, we accused Syria of assassinating the
martyred premier.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Now who does that leave as the likely assassin, who needed Syria out of Lebanon prior to their 2006 war! :)


A Tsunami Approaches: The Beginning of the Great Deconstruction


Like any tsunami, the wave began long ago and very far out to sea.
Thirty years ago the vast majority of union workers were in the private
sector. Public employees in unions reached parity with private sector
members by 2009. This was aided in part by campaign contributions from
the unions to elect Democratic Party candidates and generous pay
packages and retirement plans passed by those same politicians in



The Hidden but Awkward Origins of World War 2 - The unexpected views of four key diplomats who were close to events:


Joseph P. Kennedy, U.S. Ambassador to Britain during the years
immediately preceding WW2 was the father of the famous American Kennedy
dynasty. James Forrestal the first US Secretary of Defense (1947-1949)
quotes him as saying "Chamberlain (the British Prime Minister) stated
that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war". (The
Forrestal Diaries ed. Millis, Cassell 1952 p129).


Fresh Kills - The Dust of the Dead

By: Saladin

Tags: 911

The operation at Fresh Kills had three
objectives: to find human remains, personal effects, and any evidence of
the terrorist attack such as a highjacker’s box cutter, cell phones
from the planes, and the black boxes.
For almost a year, the recovery team at the Fresh Kills facility
sifted, sorted, and searched through 1.8 million tons of World Trade
Center material. The staff never recovered a black box from the jets, a
box cutter, or anything relating to the hijackers.


America is leaving the ruins behind in Iraq

Tags: IRAQ

Webmaster's Commentary: 

They created a desolation, and they called it 'peace'." -- Tacitus


even as it enters into talks, Israel declares policy of separating Gaza and W.B.


At the same time that it is setting forth on peace talks with the
U.S. and the Palestinian Authority, Israel has for the first time
publicly endorsed the policy of separating Gaza and the West Bank
politically (and culturally).

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Under international law, going
back to the Hague Conventions and the Fourth Geneva Convention, Israel
is required by virtue of their membership ion the United Nations to
enforce Palestinian law in occupied Palestinian lands. Once again Israel
defies the United Nations and international law with impunity. Of
course, when anyone points out that Israel is once again refusing to
honor their commitments under international law, one is denounced as an
anti-Semite and has their career wrecked.


They caused the Iraq War and remain without shame


During the past week, as the US president Barack Obama announced the
withdrawal of US combat forces from Iraq, there was considerable media
commentary focusing on the lies that had been utilised to build public
support for the war.
The two that received the most attention were the argument that
Saddam had an active programme to develop weapons of mass destruction
and the assertion, made most vigorously by the then vice president Dick
Cheney, that there were “proven links” connecting the Iraqi leadership
to the terrorist attacks on September 11.
Both were, of course, deliberate fabrications but both did play
important roles in shaping public opinion and justifying the invasion of
Iraq. The propaganda effort to win support for the war involved much


Blair may cancel London appearance over protests


Webmaster's Commentary: 

I was hoping his next signing
might be at The Tower, indeed that they would re-open the Traitor's Gate
just for him! Oh well, I understand the Hague is nice this time of


Report: Iran Paying Taliban to Kill U.S. Troops

Tags: IRAN

- At least five Iranian companies in Afghanistan's capital are using
their offices covertly to finance Taliban militants in provinces near
Kabul, according to an investigation by London's Sunday Times.
Western officials believe the network may have been set up by the Al-Quds force, an elite branch of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Apparently, this so-called "investigation" by London's Sunday Times is really big on spectacular allegations, but refuses to back them up with solid evidence.
Who are these companies, and why are they not named?!? Who are the officials doling out this money?!?
And note that the statements made here are never sourced (a classic propaganda trick.)


English Neofascist Group to be Featured at 9/11 Anti-Mosque Rally


Earlier this week, I noted that Newt Gingrich and John Bolton, both
of whom had been scheduled to appear at Pamela Geller’s Sept. 11 rally
in Lower Manhattan against the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque,” now
appear to be getting cold feet — Gingrich has pulled out entirely, while
Bolton will deliver a videotaped message rather than appearing in
person. Now we get one possible reason why Gingrich and Bolton were so
hesitant: according to Geller, members of the English Defense League, a
British far-right group, will also be attending the rally. The EDL is
notorious for provoking violent confrontations with residents and law
enforcement, simply adding to worries that the rally against what Geller
and her allies term a “9/11 victory monument” will end badly.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

I will block the mosque being built at ground zero when you block Christian churches from being built near playgrounds!


9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

Tags: 911

[Firefighter Louie] Cacchioli was called to testify privately [before
the 9/11 Commission], but walked out on several members of the
committee before they finished, feeling like he was being interrogated
and cross-examined rather than simply allowed to tell the truth about
what occurred in the north tower on 9/11. "My story was never mentioned
in the final report [PDF download] and I felt like I was being put on
trial in a court room," said Cacchioli. "I finally walked out. They were
trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted
to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn't
let me do that, I walked out. ... It was a disgrace to everyone, the
victims and the family members who lost loved ones. I don't agree with
the 9/11 Commission.

Optional Banner: 

WRH 9-11 story



Larry Silverstein, WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

Tags: 911

9/11/2001 radio broadcast: "We were just sitting here watching all the smoke pouring up from

number 7 ... we really couldn't see much damage on it ... I turned in
time to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion, it looked like it
had been done by a demolition crew ... that's number 1,

number 2, and now number 7 that have come down from this explosion and
folks just simply can't believe it. ... I just never for the life of me
imagined that these huge buildings would just fall, and that's what
happened, they just crumbled."

Optional Banner: 

WRH 9-11 story


The Ground Zero Fires Were Not Conventional Fires

Tags: 911

The Ground Zero fires were not conventional fires.Probable cause: thermite.

Optional Banner: 

WRH 9-11 story


Mideast crisis looms over Israeli settlements


Just days after Mideast peace talks began in Washington, the first
major crisis is already looming: Israel hinted Sunday it will ease
restrictions on building in West Bank settlements, while the Palestinian
president warned he'll quit the talks if Israel resumes construction.
Israel's 10-month-old slowdown on new building in settlements expires
Sept. 26, leaving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a tough
If he extends the freeze, he risks breaking up his hardline
coalition. If he lifts the restrictions, he risks getting blamed for
derailing negotiations and disrupting President Barack Obama's Mideast
peace efforts soon after they began.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

This alleged "slowdown" in Israeli building has been a bad joke, played by Israel on the Palestinians.
What we will continue to see here will be a massive Israeli
annexation of Palestinian lands, coupled with forced expulsions of
Palestinians who have lived where they are living for generations.
Obama, and the other world leaders, are collectively unwilling, and/or incapable, of getting this to stop.
The government of Israel is not interested in peace: it is only interested in the acquisition of territory, and by any means necessary.

» 1 comment^


Former Knox priest Casey to face further charges of child molestation


A Sullivan County, Tenn., grand jury indicted Tucker's former priest
William 'Bill' Casey, 76, on three charges — one count of first-degree
criminal sexual conduct and two counts of aggravated rape — early last
week, according to a Friday report in the Kingsport Times-News.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

We must stop the building of a mosque church near ground zero every playground in America!


Obama To Unveil A New(er) Deal: Here Comes $50 Billion For Rails, Roads And Runways

By: poorrichard


The New Deal cost America $50 billion in 1930s
dollars. How the times have changed - today the White House will
announce a new and improved New(er) Deal, which will invest $50 billion
in a 3Rs sequel - road, rail and runway, infrastructure developments. It
will have roughly one thousandth the impact of the Roosevelt plan,
demonstrating once again that in 80 years the only thing that has
actually worked in America is the ongoing devaluation of the dollar.


US troops forced to help out Iraqis in Baghdad firefight

Tags: IRAQ

Days after the US officially ended combat operations and touted
Iraq's ability to defend itself, American troops found themselves
battling heavily armed militants assaulting an Iraqi military
headquarters in the centre of Baghdad.

Webmaster's Commentary: 


High-ranking Iraqi military officer assassinated

Tags: IRAQ

Webmaster's Commentary: 

"Combat operations are over in Iraq!" -- Official White Horse Souse
"Combat operations are over in Iraq!" -- Official White Horse Souse
"Combat operations are over in Iraq!" -- Official White Horse Souse
"Combat operations are over in Iraq!" -- Official White Horse Souse


A Galant Act of Terror


In 2006, Israel was utterly defeated in Lebanon. The army commander
back then was Dan Halutz, an air force officer. It is unusual for a
“blue” (someone from the air force in Hebrew slang) to reach such a
position. Halutz held back the “greens” (ground forces) during the
operation because he didn’t trust them and sent the air force ahead. It
was a disaster. The fact that in the morning of the attack he found time
to contact his broker and sell his stocks in the Tel Aviv Stock
Exchange didn’t help to his public image. He left humiliated. It was
time for a major change. Halutz – as his predecessors – was Ashkenazi.
In 2007, Amir Peretz – then Minister of Defense – called Gabi Ashkenazi
back to the army as Chief of Staff.


U.S. and Israel spying behind BlackBerry woe: Dubai police


Concerns over Israeli access to BlackBerry data, and the use of the
device by the United States to spy on the United Arab Emirates are
behind the Gulf state's moves to curb the smartphone, Dubai's police
chief said.


Glenn Beck 8/28 rally – the death rattle of mainstream conservatism Category: General


Glenn Beck’s big rally at the Lincoln Memorial a couple days ago is
the talk of the news media and the internet. Liberals are denouncing it,
conservatives are walking on air, while tens of millions of people are
completely mystified. And with good reason – if Seinfeld was a show
about nothing, this massive gathering was a rally about nothing. And
while it may have looked impressive, in reality it shows just how
impotent and adrift the mainstream conservative movement has become.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Like I keep saying, after studying the liberals and the conservatives closely, anarchy is looking really good right now!


An Al Quds day letter to Tony Blair from his sister-in-law


Yesterday, I stood in the midst of more than one million Iranian
Muslims all chanting in unison 'Marg Bar Isre-hell!' and 'Marg Bar
Am-ri-ca!' You know what that means Tony I'm sure; 'Down with Israel,
down with America'. The men, women and children around me withstood a
day of no water and no food (it's called Ramadan, Tony, it's a fast).
Coping with hunger and thirst in the hundred degrees heat, as if it were
nothing. They can withstand deprivation in the Muslim world. Here in
Iran they feel proud to suffer in order to express solidarity with the
people of Palestine. It's kind of like the way you express solidarity
with America only without illegal chemical weapons and a million
civilian deaths.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Lauren Booth has courage and moral principle ABCNNBBCBS can only dream about.


Obama to propose huge infrastructure plan


US President Barack Obama unveils plans Monday to spend at least 50
billion dollars to expand and renew US roads, railways and airports, in a
fresh bid to fire up sluggish economic growth.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Memo to President Obama: with the government
already at the edge of economic collapse, and staggering under its own
mountain of deficit debt it cannot possibly pay back, just from where is
that fifty billion dollars supposed to come?
Taxpayers are already maxed out in terms of being able to
pay their taxes, and furious at the government policies which put them
in their current predicament.

» 1 comment^


US mulls approval of GM salmon


US authorities have begun to consider approval for the first time the
sale of genetically engineered salmon, a move that some say could open
the door to more transgenic animals on American dinner tables.
A US Food and Drug Administration panel has set a hearing for
September 19-20 to consider a proposal by Massachusetts-based AquaBounty
Technologies for production and sale of a new Atlantic salmon with a
growth hormone gene from the Chinook salmon that allows it to grow

Webmaster's Commentary: 

As reported at:
Genetically engineered Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)
"Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone is a genetically engineered copy of a naturally occurring hormone produced by cows. "
"Both the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) and the Consumer's
Union, publisher of Consumer Reports magazine, have warned of the
potential hazards to human health caused by consuming products derived
from rBGH-treated cows.
While rBGH is banned in Europe and Canada, and has been boycotted by 95 percent of US dairy farmers, the
FDA, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture
continue to license the drug (and other new genetically engineered
foods) without pre-market safety tests. Thanks to industry pressure,
genetically engineered foods are NOT required to carry identifying
labels. "
The ingestion of this product has been linked to sharp increases in
the onset of physical maturation for younger and younger children.
If the FDA does approve of this "Frankensalmon" going to market, with
no testing and no information about it being genetically engineered on
the label, you had probably better think very carefully about ever
eating salmon again.


Americans face battles days after Iraq combat deadline


American troops found themselves battling heavily-armed militants
attacking Iraqi military headquarters in the centre of Baghdad, days
after the US officially ended combat operations and touted Iraq's
ability to defend itself.

Webmaster's Commentary: 


Israeli says not guilty of 'largest human trafficking case in U.S. history'


On Thursday, Orian's public relations adviser, Kara Lujan, was asked
by her client to conduct negotiations with the FBI for his surrender.
She said Federal agents agreed to a surrender in Hawaii on the condition
that they would be shown an airplane ticket to the state. She said he
landed in Honolulu and took a taxi to his lawyer's office, where FBI
representatives were waiting, as agreed. Lujan said Global Horizons has
not been in business for four years and that Orian was working with
other companies.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Here is what Ha'Aretz is NOT telling you (and why you come to WRH). Mordechai Orian is a huge GOP donor! Orian gave tens of thousands of dollars to the National Republican

Congressional Committee on eight occasions between 2004 and 2006. His
largest contribution of $11,000 came on July 13, 2006. Orian also gave
$2000 to the GOP-affiliated Restore America PAC twice in that period.
During those years the Republican-led Congress debated and sought to
pass a major immigration reform bill that involved, among many other
things, an expanded guest-worker program. The legislation ultimately


For Arpaio, ‘Fear Not, Sheriff Joe – That the Sheriffs of America Stand by You,’ Says Arizona Sheriff Babeu

By: poorrichard


Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said the Obama
administration’s decision to file a lawsuit against Maricopa County
Sheriff Joe Arpaio is not surprising, but that men and women in law
enforcement will stand by the man they believe is enforcing the law and
protecting the citizens of Arizona.

» 1 comment


Why looking after your teeth prevents deadly blood clots

By: malterwitty


Brushing your teeth and flossing may be a chore, but it could just save your life, according to a new study.
Although gum disease has long been suspected of causing heart
problems, scientists have long been puzzled as to how this happens.
Now researchers from the University of Bristol say that a self-defense mechanism of microbes in the mouth are to blame.


US expects to subsidize Afghan training for years

By: ActivistPost


WASHINGTON — The United States expects to
spend about $6 billion a year training and supporting Afghan troops and
police after it begins pulling out its own combat troops in 2011, The
Associated Press has learned.
The previously undisclosed estimates of U.S. spending through 2015,
detailed in a NATO training mission document, are an acknowledgment that
Afghanistan will remain largely dependent on the United States for its


US bankruptcy, fiscal 'child abuse' and six-decade Ponzi scheme

By: portos


U.S. unemployment is on the rise again - it
has reached nine point six per cent, the first increase in four months.
Some economists are arguing that the Obama administration needs to
introduce another stimulus programme to create new jobs. But Larry
Kotlikoff, professor of economics at the Boston University, believes the
U.S. needs to start cutting spending immediately - or face


Ron Paul: Why Big Bankers and Corporations Love Obama

By: portos



B.P.'s Failed Blowout Protector Pull From Sea Floor

By: portos



From Wounded Knee To Iraq : A Century of U.S.Military Interventions

By: Ethan Allen and...


The commentary is a little dated but the list is right on.


China, US meet amid tension over trade, military

By: ActivistPost


BEIJING — Senior U.S. and Chinese officials
met Monday to steady relations upset by disputes over currency, trade
and military affairs despite calls for a tougher line on Chinese
economic policies that some say are contributing to American
With congressional elections in two months, President Barack Obama is
under pressure to kick-start the economy and many lawmakers say he
should start by addressing China's lopsided trade surplus and currency


International backing grows for 'Robin Hood tax' on banks

By: ActivistPost


EU ministers edge closer to financial
transaction levy amid signs that International Monetary Fund is
softening opposition to 'Robin Hood tax'
European Union finance ministers will step up talks on raising extra
money from banks this week amid signs that the International Monetary
Fund is softening its opposition to a "Robin Hood tax" on financial

» 1 comment


So much for peace talks: Israeli FM pushes for new settlement construction

By: ActivistPost


JERUSALEM — Israel's hard-line foreign
minister said Monday that his party will try to block any extension of
Israel's settlement slowdown, a move that could derail the recently
launched Mideast peace negotiations.


year old grandma: "If Beck and Palin want a government so focused on
one God and one religion, they should visit the Middle East and see how
that concept is working out."

By: suman

Tags: CUBA


First Georgian soldier killed in Afghanistan



(Reuters) - Georgia has suffered its first
soldier killed in Afghanistan since joining the NATO-led force fighting
there, the Georgian Defence Ministry said Sunday.
Georgia has 925 troops in Afghanistan, including 750 based in the
southern province of Helmand, the most violent region of the country.
Saakashvili will make a hero out of him and try to blame it on Russia, somehow.


The Impact of Fiat Money as the World’s Reserve Currency

By: ActivistPost


David Redick

Activist Post
The creation of fiat official government money has had a profound
effect in history and on our nation and the world today. "Fiat" means it
is worth whatever the government says it is (its face value), although
the material of which it is made may have more or less intrinsic market
value. Examples would include both valuable silver dollars and
worthless paper, each declared to be worth $1; and today’s American
Eagle bullion coin with a face value of $50 for one ounce of gold.


It Fell in Silence: The Collapse of World Trade Center 7

By: 911insidejob


Many Americans are unaware that three
buildings within the World Trade Center complex fell on September 11,
2001. Located just 300 feet from the North Tower, World Trade Center 7
(WTC 7) was a forty-seven story steel frame building, which collapsed
vertically in 6.5 seconds more than 6 hours after the collapse of the
Twin Towers. Although the collapse of the towers was televised hundreds
of times, the collapse of WTC 7 was seldom shown or discussed. The
widely publicized 9/11 Commission Report fails to even mention the
collapse of WTC 7 in its 568 pages. Looking beyond the limited
information provided by the mass media, activist artist, Nathan Janes
explores a number of questions related to the collapse of WTC 7 in his
newest work.

» 1 comment


‘Firedoglake’ is progressive– just don’t talk about Palestine

By: My Catbird Seat


By Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss
Here is an important matter that I have been sitting on for days and
that people who care about American support for Palestinian oppression
need to be aware of: the extent to which Firedoglake, a leading
progressive site, suppresses criticism of Israel. The battle
demonstrates that even inside the left, the Israel lobby is a strong
force. Indeed, the founder of the site, movie producer Jane Hamsher, has
dismissed concern for Palestinians as a “pet issue.”
As I have said often, our country cannot make progress on this
critical policy issue until people who care about Palestinian freedom
find one another and make a political combination to take on the Israel



Vaccinate the World: Gates, Rockefeller Seek Global Population Reduction

By: Alex2245


The global elite has launched a world-wide
operation against an unaware population to reduce and control fertility.
Vaccines and even staple food crops have been modified to achieve these
If you can’t seem to bring yourself to believe that such an
undertaking is possible, or that there are human beings willing and
capable; Look back in time, this kind of conspiracy isn’t new, in fact
this kind of control was idealized by Plato some 2,300 years ago in his
momentous work The Republic.

September 5, 2010

Was Iraq Worth It?

By: My Catbird Seat


By Patrick J. Buchanan –
Six months before the invasion of Iraq, Taki Theodoracopulos, Scott
McConnell and this writer launched a new magazine, The American
Conservative. Goal: Convince our countrymen that invading Iraq would be
imperial folly. In the first column, in mid-September 2002, I wrote: “If
Providence does not intrude, we will soon launch an imperial war on


Amen to the Imam

By: My Catbird Seat


By Jack Hunter –
Sometimes editors like to have fun with their writers — like this
week when my editor at the Charleston City Paper declared that
controversial Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and yours truly are actually the
same person. Explains Chris Haire:
“You want proof? Well here goes: As you know, Rauf is the guy behind
the so-called Ground Zero mosque. Not surprisingly, Sean Hannity doesn’t
like him.


From the Gulf Stream to the BloodStream, and Why What You’re About To Read Is The Alarm Bell of The Pending Gulf Disaster

By: Alex2245


When Is Enough, Enough?
For nearly five months, the BP oil disaster has consumed the minds of
millions of people worldwide. In addition to the horrific impacts that
the crude oil and chemical dispersants have daily on the environment
and the economy, a fatal threat has quietly slipped by the public’s
proverbial radar.
The harm dealt by this silent enemy is beginning to creep into the lives of those living and working in the Gulf.


As many as 2,000 more troops may be going to Afghanistan

By: johnu78


As many as 2,000 additional troops --
including a number of U.S. forces -- may be headed to Afghanistan in the
coming weeks under a plan being proposed by Gen. David Petraeus, CNN
has learned...

» 1 comment


9/11 was an Inside Job: 9/11 Truth is STILL the Issue

By: Alex2245

Tags: 911

9/11 Truth is still very relevant! Millions of
people are still asleep and believe 19 Muslim ninjas planned and
carried out one of the largest terror attacks in history.
We must honor the victims and the first responders by pushing 9/11 truth even more than we already have.



Dying of Money -- Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations

By: denmason


Most of us have at least a general idea of
what we think inflation is. Inflation is the state of affairs in which
prices go up. Inflation is an old, old story. Inflation is almost as
ancient as money is, and money is almost as ancient as man himself.


"Missing Links" full video

By: CyberDurden


Link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7877765982288566190#


Despite formal combat end, US joins Baghdad battle


Days after the U.S. officially ended combat operations and touted
Iraq's ability to defend itself, American troops found themselves
battling heavily armed militants assaulting an Iraqi military
headquarters in the center of Baghdad on Sunday. The fighting killed 12
people and wounded dozens.

Webmaster's Commentary: 




As we traveled from Tel Aviv to Ni’ilin, the invisiblity of borders
between Israel and the West Bank struck me. We drove up route 443 and
turned left towards Modayin Elite. Even though the roads are in the West
Bank it feels as though we are in the middle of the Tel Aviv suburbs.
There is no sign marking the green line. There is nothing, just one
whitewashed Israeli town after another. After we pass Modayin Elite, we
arrive at a checkpoint. This feels kind of like a border but it is
temporary and shifting. Just after the checkpoint, we take a sharp left
and are in the middle of the city of Ni’ilin. It feels like a pocket. A
pocket of natives in a sea of settlers.

» 1 comment


Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11

By: kdtroxel


Now you will discover the definitive truth about 9/11 and learn why
even the most popular movies on the subject have failed to address the
evidence exhaustively presented in this video. The facts will make it
abundantly clear that the so-called 9/11 Truth movement has been
infiltrated and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal group who
masterminded the attacks. As they say, 'if you want to control the
dissent you lead the dissent.' Utilizing evidence from the FBI, CIA,
NSA, US Armed Forces Intelligence sectors, Foreign Intelligence
organizations, local law enforcement agencies and independent
investigators, Missing Links goes where no other 9/11 video has dared
Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 2 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 3 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 4 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 5 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 6 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 7 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 8 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 9 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 10 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 11 of 12) Link:

Missing Links: The Definitive Truth About 9/11 (Part 12 of 12) Link:

» 1 comment



By: poorrichard


A water truck backs up to the Euphrates River
in Iraq. The driver, a Ugandan or maybe an Ethiopian, gets out, lowers a
hose into the sewage ridden flow and fills his truck. 5 miles away, a
US Army water purification center sits, too far away. The driver
thinks, “water is water.” Another of the Pentagon’s “Zombie
Contractors” take their toll, part of the army of “undead” and
unqualified who are the world’s most expensive work force.
The driver, an employee of a company once headed by the Vice
President of the United States, could care less, clean water, filth or
sewage, it is only going to American troops as drinking water.



CIA money behind Wi-Fi Positioning System (WPS)

By: Alex2245


How amazing would it be if you could walk into
McTaco King and order that mid-morning bacon taco meal with Mountain
Dew Big Gulp from your mobile device? Just imagine
 as you approach the
restaurant, a menu pops up on your screen, the phone makes suggestions
and helps you super-size your order, before you even set foot in the
Is there anything the IPad won’t do?
This advertiser’s wet dream is about to become reality, thanks to WPS (Wi-Fi Positioning System)


Cyber Security expert Stephen Spoonamore discusses electronic voting vulnerabilities

By: kdtroxel


Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 1 - "It's a network people."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 2 - "Electronic voting machines are a national security threat."

Spoonamore - Sep 08 - Part 3 - "The genie is out of the bottle..."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 4 - "Fifty ways to steal an election."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 5 - "Mike Connel: Bush IT Guru."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 6 - "The Rapp family: Ohio election coverup."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 7 - "Evangelical Christians and electronic voting machines."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 8 - "What part don't you understand...paper ballots please."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 9 - "McCain/Palin by..."

Spoonamore - Sep 2008 - Part 10 - "People should doubt the vote...because it's being stolen."



More War Lies

By: PoliticalTheatrics


Lies aren’t used just to start wars, but also
to escalate them, continue them, and even reduce or end them. And we got
a pile of war lies from the president Tuesday evening.
Obama claimed the war on Iraq was initially a war to disarm a state.
Really? And then “terrorist” Iraqis attacked our troops in their
country. Yet if they had done that in our country, I suspect they would
still be the terrorists. And then it became a civil war which we were
innocently caught up in. Uh huh.



Letter To Cordoba Center On Behalf Of A Former ‘Slave’

By: PoliticalTheatrics



I. The three century old remains of 20,000 African men, women, children former slaves

were discovered after the clean up of the World Trade Center’s collapse.

II. Between twenty and thirty percent of all stolen Africans brought to America as slaves

were Muslim.

A Letter on behalf of Cordoba Center by one such “slave”


Obama targeted killings lawsuit spotlights American civilians

By: kdtroxel


"An extrajudicial killing policy under
which names are added to CIA and military 'kill lists' through a secret
executive process and stay there for months at a time is plainly not
limited to imminent threats." - Center for Constitutional Rights
Targets on Obama's high-tech kill-list in the "war on terror" hope
that the American Civil Liberties Union and Center for Constitutional
Rights (CCR) lawsuit challenging government's asserted authority for
"targeted killings” of U.S. citizens far from armed conflict zones will
shed light directly on them, innocent American Targeted Individuals
(TIs) and TIs in other countries, each struggling to survive the covert
operation already operational. There is widespread belief that already,
voiceless, faceless targets are dying or have been covertly killed
according to TI support group communications.
"That the government adds people to kill lists after a bureaucratic
process and leaves them on the lists for months at a time flies in the
face of the Constitution and international law," stated Vince Warren,
Executive Director of CCR. (CCR, Rights Groups File Challenge To
Targeted Killing By U.S., Sept. 1, 2010)
Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU said, “A program
that authorizes killing U.S. citizens, without judicial oversight, due
process or disclosed standards is unconstitutional, unlawful and



An Al Quds Day Letter to Tony Blair

By: Jnoubiyeh


The ‘conflict’ between Palestine and Israel is
according to you, Tony Blair, all about religion and has nothing at all
to do with the ethnic cleansing of the Arab population, nor the
degradation of those who remain beneath the boots of their Israeli
occupiers. You say that Arabs have and always will see ‘Jews’ as
enemies. For God’s sake Tony do your history. And if you’re going to run
a ‘Faith Foundation’ then better gen up on Islam 101 don’t you think?
Did your pals in Tel Aviv forget to tell you how many thousands of Jews
lived in Historic Palestine in harmony with their Arab neighbours before
1948? Do you really not know that even today tens of thousand of Jews
reside contentedly in Iran?


Gerald Celente speaks with Robert Ringer. 5th September, 2010 - "They Are Leading Us to War"

By: portos


PART 1: http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=12403&tit...
PART 2: http://revolutionarypolitics.tv/video/viewVideo.php?video_id=12402&tit...


Gulf Residents Test Positive For Oil In Blood

By: Alex2245


Grand Isle – Several gulf residents have tested positive for oil in their blood as documented by Matt Smith and Heather Rally
Further testing is currently being preformed to find out if the
chemical dispersant Corexit, made by Nalco, has entered the bloodstreams
of gulf coast residents.
Smith, who is on scene in Louisiana had this to say:
“It’s deadly because it’s accumulative
. the issue here is that
these are residents these aren’t even the workers
 everyone is getting
.. it has turned into an aerosol in the air, and no one is talking
about this, no one.”

» 1 comment



By: Nilwik

Tags: 911ISRAEL

Mike Rivero figures in yet a you-tube video.


George Carlin on the Bankers

By: AnnT


George Carlin talks about big banks who own everthing and talks about how you are a slave.
We the People CAN change things if we TAKE BACK from the private banking cartel the authority to create money and issue credit.

» 1 comment


Want To Make A Lot Of Money As A CEO? Fire People


CEOs who fire people tend to make more money. That's been the trend
recently, according to 'CEO Pay and The Great Recession' from the
Institute for Policy Studies.
The 50 top CEO layoff leaders received $12 million on average in
2009, compared to the S&P 500 average of $8.5 million. Each of the
corporations surveyed laid off at least 3,000 workers between November
2008 and April 2010. Seventy-two percent of the firms announced mass
layoffs at a time of positive earnings reports.



Israeli raids claim lives in Gaza


Two Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air raids in the Gaza
Strip, medics and security sources say. Another person has been
critically injured.
The Israeli army launched three raids in the south of Gaza on
Saturday after Palestinian fighters fired a rocket over the border.
The flare-up of violence on the Israel-Gaza border came just two days
after the relaunch of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in the US.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

How marvelously convenient for Israel, which does not want peace, but wants territory by any means necessary!



Waiting on the Cosmic Ex-Lax


According to a well known astrologer friend of mine, the week of 9/18
to 25- most inauspicious on the 20th- is a major crisis point for the
nation of Israel and considering some of the things they have been up to
over the course of time, any crisis is a good crisis when it comes to
these people.


Government Policy Caused America's Unemployment Crisis


In fact, as demonstrated below, the government's actions have directly contributed to the rising tide of unemployment.
The Government Has Encouraged the Offshoring of American Jobs for More Than 50 Years
President Eisenhower re-wrote the tax laws so that they would favor
investment abroad. President Kennedy railed against tax provisions that
"consistently favor United States private investment abroad compared
with investment in our own economy", but nothing has changed under
either Democratic or Republican administrations.

» 1 comment^


"The Militarization of Hollywood": Unlocking "The Hurt Locker"


Why did "The Hurt Locker," a well-acted, tension-filled but otherwise
undistinguished Hollywood war movie focusing on a military
bomb-disposal team in Iraq, win the 2010 Academy Award for Best Picture?
After viewing the film recently, it appears to us that the main
reason the U.S. movie industry bestowed the honor is that Kathryn
Bigelow, who also received the Best Director prize, concealed the real
nature of the American war in two distinct ways.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Hollywood has historically been the "media
consort" of the White House and Pentagon; that this film won such
acclaim is simply another aspect of "selling" the war in Iraq, no matter how illegal or immoral this war has been



Pentagon Bulks Up Yemen’s Arsenal as Shadow War Grows


Yemen is the new Pakistan — well, at least it is to many in the
Pentagon, the White House, and the intelligence community. U.S. spies
think al-Qaeda’s Yemeni affiliate is the most likely terrorist network
to attack us, And just like last year’s $400 million U.S.
“counterinsurgency fund” for Pakistan tried to get the Pakistani
military al-Qaeda-specific weapons, the Pentagon’s already given Yemen
$155 million dollars’ worth of copters, Humvees, radios and transport
planes to contain the evolving terrorist threat. Look for all that to

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Memo to the White House, State Department, and
Pentagon: this is a really, really bad idea which is very likely to
have the absolutely opposite outcome from that which you would like to
see happen.
Yemen is characterized as one of the most corrupt countries in the Middle East, and in this neck of the woods, geopolitically, that's saying something.
The current "President for Life", one Ali Saleh, has absolutely no
concern for the people of his country, and a human rights record that
would shame even the most tinpot of tinpot dictators.
Grinding poverty, corruption, coupled with an almost complete absence
of infrastructure and transparency in government, is that toxic brew
which can lead some people to find insurgency attractive, when they have
nothing left to lose but their lives.
So if this military aid is going to be deployed (primarily to prevent
disruption of Saudi Arabia's oil fields), it needs to be deployed with
humanitarian and infrastructure aid that really gets to where it's
needed. Schools, hospitals, and investment capital will do much to
improve the lot of the people of Yemen to the point where insurgency
won't seem like such an attractive choice.
But if this is not done, whenever a kid, mom, uncle or aunt gets
mowed down or maimed for life, courtesy of Yemeni, Saudi, or US
firepower, it will simply push those left standing into the embrace of the insurgencies.
We have seen these US policies fail in Iraq (where the coming civil
war is simply simmering on the back burner), Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
Why are we again looking at importing a thoroughly failed policy yet again to Yemen?!?
It makes absolutely no sense to thinking Americans.


Science journalist files suit alleging H1N1 ‘swine flu’ a hoax to sell vaccines




12 die in attack on Baghdad military headquarters

Tags: IRAQ

Suicide bombers hit a Baghdad military headquarters on Sunday and
killed 12 people, two weeks after an attack on the same site pointed to
the failure of Iraqi forces to plug even the most obvious holes in their
Baghdad has been on high alert as the U.S. declared the official end
to its combat operations in Iraq last week, yet the militants still
managed to attack an obvious target in the center of the city that has
been struck very recently.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

More "progress" in Iraq, I see, right after US military combat activities have been characterized by President Obama as "over".



BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes

By: malterwitty

Tags: 911VIDEO

» 1 comment


Five Years After and We Still Don’t Know

By: malterwitty

Tags: 911

In a September 1, 2006, New York Times
article, "U.S. moves to debunk ‘alternative theories’ on Sept. 11
attacks", Jim Dwyer reports that the National Institute of Standards and
Technology, an agency of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, disputes Professor
Jones’ suggestion. NIST believes that such "enormous quantities of
thermite would have to be applied to the structural columns to damage
them" that engineered demolition is not feasible.
Gentle reader, note what NIST is saying. If no reasonable quantity of
the explosive thermite, which is used for engineered demolition, could
damage the powerful buildings, the measly energy from an airliner, a bit
of jet fuel, and gravity could not have collapsed the buildings.


Victim frustrated over lack of police presence

By: bLaKouT


SPOKANE -- A woman on Five Mile
Prairie says she is tired of having prowlers and people stealing from
her and no one doing anything about it. But police say there is little
they can do.
A good argument for the second amendment. If these people were armed
instead of depending on the Police (who are far too busy tasing people
to death), crooks would be less motivated to break into places where
they may get shot!

» 1 comment


No Safe Harbor on Gulf Coast; Human Blood Tests Show Dangerous Levels of Toxic Exposure


Even as BP and US government officials continue to declare the oil
spill over at Mississippi Canyon 252 and the cleanup operation an
unqualified success, for the first time blood tests on sickened humans
have shown signs of exposure to high levels of toxic chemicals related
to crude oil and dispersants. Some of the individuals tested have not
been on the beaches, were not involved in any cleanup operations or in
the Gulf water -- they simply live along the Gulf Coast. Several of them
are now leaving the area due to a combination of illness and economic

Webmaster's Commentary: 

It is very simple, really: the US government and
BP are lying to the people of this country about the damage to humans
and the ecosystem this disaster has created, and the corporate media
simply refuses to report on it.

» 1 comment^


China fears depreciation of $2.45 trillion of reserves still heavy in dollars


Hu Xiaolian, a vice governor with the People's Bank of China, warned
that depreciation was a risk for the foreign exchange reserves held by
developing countries.
"Once a reserve currency's value becomes unstable, there will be
quite large depreciation risks for assets," she wrote in an article that
appeared in the latest issue of China Finance, a central bank magazine.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

The Chinese have every reason to be concerned about the potential depreciation of the US dollar, and so should Americans.

» 1 comment^


Obama vows to expand 'thriving middle class'


US President Barack Obama on Saturday vowed to expand a prosperous
middle class and help his compatriots achieve the American Dream as the
country prepared to celebrate Labor Day.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Don't listen to what the man says: watch what he does.
His domestic policies have all but obliterated the middle class in
this country, and the triple tax whammy people are going to experience
come the first of the year will be the sucker punch to the economic gut
that will finish the job!



9-11 FLASHBACK - The Israeli Spy Ring

Tags: 911ISRAEL

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified
-- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Optional Banner: 

WRH 9-11 story


Israel has one of world's largest 'eavesdropping' intel bases


Israel has one of the largest signals intelligence (SIGINT) bases in
the world in the western Negev, Le Monde Diplomatique reported. The
base, near Kibbutz Urim, is central to the activities of the main Israel
Defense Forces signals intelligence unit, 8200, the report says.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

See The Israeli Spy Ring

» 1 comment^




A high-level inquiry into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change found there was “little evidence” for its claims about global
It also said the panel had emphasised the negative impacts of climate
change and made “substantive findings” based on little proof.
The review by the InterAcademy Council (IAC) was launched after the
IPCC’s hugely embarrassing 2007 benchmark climate change report, which
contained exaggerated and false claims that Himalayan glaciers could
melt by 2035.


US denies taxpayer funds to bail out Kabul Bank


The US Treasury Department denied media reports Saturday that
American taxpayer funds would be put towards bailing out Afghanistan's
beleaguered Kabul Bank.
The White House said the allegations were not true and pointed to a
statement from Deputy Treasury Secretary Neal Wolin that said the bank's
troubles were "an Afghan issue."
"They are taking immediate steps to ensure the stability of Kabul
Bank and to protect the financial assets of the Afghan people," Wolin

Webmaster's Commentary: 

So, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wolin, where, precisely, is the money going to come from to stabilize the Kabul Bank?
The American taxpayers deserve some straight answers on this.



Did BP Just Blow Up The Obama Presidency?


BP is warning Congress that if lawmakers pass legislation that bars
the company from getting new offshore drilling permits, it may not have
the money to pay for all the damages caused by its oil spill in the Gulf
of Mexico.



Tony Blair: Cheney’s vision ‘not stupid,’ possible ‘over time’


Vice-President Dick Cheney's vision of completely redrawing the map
of the Middle East following the 9/11 attacks is "not stupid," and is
"possible over time," former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says.
In his new book, A Journey, the former Labour Party leader wrote that
Cheney wanted a wholesale reorganization of the political map of the
Middle East after 9/11. The vice president "would have worked through
the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their surrogates in
the course of it -- Hezbollah, Hamas, etc," Blair wrote.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

I would like to see an amendment passed to the US
Constitution, stipulating one thing; that every member of the Congress,
Cabinet,and the Executive in the US will have a close member of their
families serving on the front lines during the time of their service,
and be most apt to be blown to bits or maimed for life, when military
action is ordered.
It perhaps may give those in power in the US just a little pause before using military force as opposed to diplomacy.
And as to Cheney's "vision", as Blair characterizes it, that just
makes me want to throw up. Cheney's "vision" had utterly nothing to do
with the safety and security of the American people.
This was simply an excuse, based on a pack of lies, for using the US
military in order to potentially gain private profit for corporations.
In Iraq, it was supposed to be the oil, and we can see just how well that worked out.
In Afghanistan, it was pipelines with which to control Eurasian Oil,
the drug trade (which the Taliban had actually curtailed under their
watch), and the exploitation of Afghanistan's mineral wealth,and the
only element of this which has happened under the US and NATO occupation
is a soaring drug trade.
And an attack against Iran?!? Such an attack, now that the reactors
for the power plant are being fueled, will send a radioactive plume
around the world, sickening and killing many innocents. Such an attack
would galvanize the Iranian people to Ahmedinejad's side, and have an
absolutely opposite outcome from what the US and Israel want. And of
course, Amanpour would never in her life ask the most obvious, glaring
question here; what will nuclear-armed Russia and China do if the US and
Israel attack Iran?!?

» 1 comment^


Major NH National Guard Deployment Announced


Army officials said 750 soldiers from the New Hampshire Army National
Guard will be heading to Kuwait as part of Operation New Dawn.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

1st, 1917, the New Hampshire National Guard (then called the State
Guard) became the first military unit deployed to France against
Imperial Germany. The State Guards were sent first because they were
already operational units, while the regular Army was still in the
process of ramping up their numbers and logistics. My Grandfather,
Walter Louis Smith, served in the New Hampshire State Guard, and lost a
lung to German Mustard Gas in the early days of WWI.

Needless to say, I am alarmed that the New Hampshire
National Guard is again being deployed to foreign shores. Does this
again signal the start of a new World War?



Dead Souls: The Pentagon Plan to Create Remorseless 'Warfighters'

By: Saladin


Penny Coleman at Alternet.com gives us a look
at a new program designed to dull the moral sensibilities of American
soldiers in combat on the imperial frontiers: Pentagon, Big Pharma: Drug
Troops to Numb Them to Horrors of War.
But as we'll see below, this attempt to peddle magic pills to chase
away the horrors of war is just one front in a long-term, wide-ranging
"warfighter enhancement program" -- including the neurological and
genetic re-engineering of soldiers' minds and bodies to create what the
Pentagon calls "iron bodied and iron willed personnel": tireless,
relentless, remorseless, unstoppable.
In the Pentagon's view these killer soldiers are the "victims."



Court throws out $926 million Rocky Flats award


"'DNA damage and cell death' do not constitute a bodily injury in the
absence of the manifestation of an actual disease or injury," the panel
wrote, later adding: "Plaintiffs must necessarily establish that
plutonium particles released from Rocky Flats caused a detectable level
of actual damage."

Webmaster's Commentary: 

"When you grow another nose in the middle of your forehead, then we'll toss you a few bucks." -- Official White Horse Souse

» 1 comment^


Israeli Enemy Violates Lebanon Airspace Again


Israeli spy planes have again violated Lebanon's sovereignty,
conducting overflights amid increasing tension between the two sides.
According to an army statement, an Israeli reconnaissance plane on
Saturday entered southern Lebanon, loitering around for some time.


Dead In The Water - The Sinking of the USS Liberty


» 1 comment^


Arsenic found in Utah kids’ pee traced to their pet chickens’ feed


The Utah Department of Health tracked worrisome levels of arsenic in
two kids' urine to the family's backyard chicken coop, reports Judy
Fahys in the Salt Lake Tribune (hat tip to Cookie Jill). More
specifically, to the arsenic-based additive called roxarsone that (along
with others) is commonly used in animal feed, and that somehow wound up
in the eggs from those chickens. The kids were eagerly eating a dozen
eggs or so a week each from their hens.


U.S. and Israel spying behind BlackBerry woe: Dubai police


"The Unites States is the primary beneficiary of having no controls
over the BlackBerry, as it has an interest to spy on the UAE," Dhahi
Khalfan Tamim said in remarks carried by the website of the daily
al-Khaleej on Friday.
"The West has accused us of curbing the liberties of BlackBerry
users, while America, Israel, Britain and other countries are allowed
access to all transferred data," Tamim added.


FDIC website has not updated bank closings since August 20th!




Daily Presidential Tracking Poll


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday
shows that 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that
Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-seven percent
(47%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index
rating of -23

Webmaster's Commentary: 

That's down two points just since middle of last week!

» 1 comment^


New Zealand earthquake rips a new fault line across the world... moving one side of the earth 11ft to the right

By: Saladin


New Zealand's powerful earthquake that smashed
buildings, cracked roads and twisted railway lines around Christchurch
ripped a new 11ft wide fault line in the earth's surface, a geologist
said today.


One dead in Israeli raids on Gaza


Israeli aircraft have carried out three bombing raids on the Gaza Strip, killing one man and injuring another.



Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling


» 1 comment^


FBI: 6 accused in forced labor of 400 Thai workers


The six defendants include Global Horizons President and CEO
Mordechai Orian, 45; Director of International Relations Pranee
Tubchumpol, 44; Hawaii regional supervisor Shane Germann, 41; and onsite
field supervisor Sam Wongsesanit, 39. The Thailand recruiters were
identified as Ratawan Chunharutai and Podjanee Sinchai.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Here is what AP is NOT telling you (and why you come to WRH). Mordechai Orian is a huge GOP donor! Orian gave tens of thousands of dollars to the National Republican

Congressional Committee on eight occasions between 2004 and 2006. His
largest contribution of $11,000 came on July 13, 2006. Orian also gave
$2000 to the GOP-affiliated Restore America PAC twice in that period.
During those years the Republican-led Congress debated and sought to
pass a major immigration reform bill that involved, among many other
things, an expanded guest-worker program. The legislation ultimately

» 1 comment^


Three great waves ... IRS


Webmaster's Commentary: 

The bankrupted government is about to wallop you with the largest tax increase in US history.



CNBC Rick Santelli, " Who Created the Federal Reserve?" - mentions Jekyll Island

By: portos



Murder, Spies and Voting Lies: Rigged elections exposed


Webmaster's Commentary: 


» 1 comment^


Australian Jews boycott 'anti-Israel' newspaper


Both leaders of Victoria's top Jewish bodies said they had addressed
the newspaper's "strident line" against Israel on several occasions with
Paul Ramadge, The Age's editor-in-chief, but to no avail. But in an
August 24 email to the pair, Mr Ramadge said because the issues in the
Middle East are "too complex", the newspaper will never be able to
"report in a way that pleases both sides all of the time".

Webmaster's Commentary: 

Maybe the Aussies read that Senate
Report about the millions Israel pays to bribe the US Presstitutes to
report the news in Israel's favor, and they are holding out for a larger




This week will usher in two of the Holiest Festivals on both the
Hebrew and Islamic calendars. Rosh HaShana and Eid al Fitre both will be
celebrated the same time this year.




With power cuts up to 16 hours to full days, a soaring heat wave and
unbearable humidity, the Israeli-led siege on Gaza is but one of many
factors leaving Ramadan miserable for the majority of Palestinians in


Doctors call for David Kelly inquest


Group to seek full inquest into 2003 death of scientist who cast doubt on government's claims over Iraq weapons.

Webmaster's Commentary: 

"Bowing to public pressure, we
have re-examined the report on Dr. Kelly's death and we can honestly
affirm that the report does conclude that Dr. Kelly did in fact commit
suicide. I hope this will silence all those poofters who doubt the word
of her royal highness's government!" -- Number 9 3/4


Dr. Lawrence Davidson: Shield Laws, Wikileaks and the Public’s Right to Know

By: Elias


The reason that the Wikileaks’ action
in July caused such an uproar within the U.S. government is because
public support for both the actions that initiated the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, and the policies that keep them going were and are based on
lies and calculated omissions in public information. In other words,
the administration of George W. Bush repeatedly misled the public and
the administration of Barack Obama not only protects those responsible,
but continues their practices.


FLASHBACK - Israeli Military Shoots Palestinian Prisoner



FLASHBACK - Drunk israeli settler brags how jews killed Jesus



Army warns not to 'leak' photos that they treat Palestinians like the scum of the Earth


Webmaster's Commentary: 

Note that the government of Israel
did not tell the soldiers to stop mistreating prisoners, only to stop
publishing pictures of the maltreatment.
